


Enjoy the life of keeping discus fish.

Most people complained about how difficult and tedious it is to keep discus fish. Following the tips and tricks as listed below will certainly help hobbyists to enjoy the life of keeping discus fish.  What is the suitable water temperature? The suitable temperature is 28 to 30 degree Celsius. In Malaysia, a tropical climate country, we do not use heater if we keep...


Golden Retriever Breed Guide

Educated the Breed Standard is the alpha step in becoming a quality breeder. The Breed Standard describes all aspects of the impeccable golden retriever and serves to maintain the breed. Any reputable breeder uses the Breed Standard as a basis for his/her breeding program. The alpha interrogation is to decide whether to breed American or British style goldens. One can find...


Fish Oil for Cats

Omega three fatty acids fish oil for cats can help improve its immune system, cognitive functions, arthritis, behavior, cholesterol levels, offer cancer prevention and give them a vibrant coat. Fish Oil for cats can also help with swelling which, if not treated, can cause such problems as strokes, heart attacks, high cholesterol, early death, and many different kinds of...


Preparing a horse stall for foaling applications

life has always allowed mares to foal outside in a position where the mare felt most safe and was able to give begin without any predators to contend with. Nowadays, we tend to manage the birthing of horses and therefore the foaling stall is something that has become common practice with many horses breeders. One biggest consideration is the cell that you are able to offer...


The Biotope Aquarium

Whether you are starting your first aquarium or the next in a long line it helps significantly to have an idea of the fish tank design before you actually get going. The design includes: what types of fish are going in it; whether or not it will have live plants; tank decor elements such as rocks and logs; and the overall impression or feel that the tank should have. Some...


Freshwater Aquarium Fish For Beginners

 Setting up your first fish tank in your home can be a very exciting project, but it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. One of the biggest problems that beginners have is trying to figure out which fish to get for their tank. There are a huge variety of different types of freshwater aquarium fish to choose from today. Having all of that variety is nice, but freshwater...


Pet Supplies for your cat

Having the right knowledge in pet raising and the right tools and equipments for the animal is very important before you take any kind of animal into your house. If you want that animal to stay with you for long and keep it healthy and happy under your care, you should know how to properly take care of that animal and give the things they needed for them to survive. This...

Benefits of Pet Sitters

Sometimes in your life, you face the problem of leaving your pet behind when you are traveling. It is not easy to leave your pet, and you will want to make sure that you have left your pet at a comfortable and safe place while you are away. Especially in America, sometimes you cannot travel with a pet, so you will have to plan his/her accommodation too. For this purpose,...