









Two critical factors in the care of Discus

Discus Care Management Skills and Organization
It starts by proper organization and planning. This is all about finding a way to let the discus fish recognize the owner and interact with you. The discus fish is unique because it does not only swim, eat or hide. They are fun to have because they can also watch a person across the room. They are aware of what is going around the room and it is easy to learn to love them due to their personality. In order to win the affection of this fish, one must learn discus care to be able to train the fish to greet you when you are near and for them to eat their food out of your hand. This fish is very interactive, which makes it interesting and lovable to have.
Understanding Discus Care Feeding Patterns
It would be important to understand the feeding patterns of a young discus fish from a mature discus fish. One must understand that fish would normally die not out of hunger but out of excessive eating, which is why it is best to learn the proper eating proportions in order to avoid overfeeding them.
The younger ones would need more and would tend to be active during feeding time. But as they grow older, the need for eating would decrease. This type of fish in intelligent and would require attention and c are in order to win. The parents of the discus fish would raise their young together.
In order to be good at discus care, one has to be able to understand what they need for breeding, feeding, daily needs and plan a way to meet these goals without overshadowing other goals. A starting hobbyist does not have to worry about the costs because they can plan methods to make it affordable. What is important is to check the parameters of local tap water and to check if the pH is suitable for the discus. If this is the case, it would be good to use soft water and combine it with tap water in order to create desirable water condition for the fish.
Remember that some local water tap in the US are not good for the discus care due to the chloramines being used to disinfect it. It would be better to have the water filtrated and dechlorinated. Remember to keep the school of discus fish in groups and exclude different varieties of fish. For discus care to be effective, there should be at least 5 or more discus fishes in a water tank because one discus fish cannot stand alone.
Tom Rollins a Discus Fish expert. If you want to learn more about discus care, visit http://www.discusfishpro.com/.


5 Ways To Reduce Pet Allergies

Create A Pet-Free Zone---We both know this is easier said than done, but it can really mean the difference between keeping your pet and enjoying it, or being miserable all the time and possibly having to find a new home for it.
The clean space will have less pet-related stuff on surfaces and in the air. Being able to relax here will give your body some down time that it needs to rejuvenate. It will also let you relax emotionally because you know that you are less likely to have a flare-up because the air has fewer triggers.
Clean Frequently---With a warm-blooded pet you are never going to get rid of all of the hair, dander, and fur. But with regular and thorough cleaning to can greatly reduce the number of allergens which will give you relief from symptoms.
Bathe Your Pet---In some cases this works well, but you will have to decide whether this is a feasible option based on your individual pet. Consulting with a veterinarian before you begin bathing is crucial.
Bathing your pet can sometimes lessen the amount of dander it shed. And since it is the protein in the dander that is such a potent allergy trigger, anything you can do to get rid of it is worth a try.
The right kind of cleanser and the frequency are crucial to your pet's health. Using the wrong kind of product can cause health problems for your pet, and can make the dander situation worse.
Some pets will object to this regimen more than others. So you will have to weigh the possible benefits against your pet's possible disdain for baths.
Wash Bedding Regularly---Dander is a food source for dust mites. So it is crucial that you keep your bed linens laundered as well as your pet's special blanket, rug, and/or bedding.
These should be washed at temperatures that exceed 160 degrees Fahrenheit in order to kill mites. Washing the linens gives double benefits . Reducing the dander reduces the food source for mites, and since dust mites are also an allergen you are successfully eliminating two of the most potent indoors allergens known.
Use A HEPA Air Cleaner---Using an air purifier with a HEPA (an abbreviation for high efficiency particle arresting) filter is an effective, low maintenance, and non-invasive way to eliminate airborne particulates.
As its name suggests, it is highly efficient at removing airborne particles. In order to be designated as a HEPA it must be able to trap 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particulates that are.3 microns or greater.
The really good thing about this type of filtration is that not only will it remove pet-related pollutants such as dander, and hair; but it will also remove more normal indoor irritants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, seasonal pollens as well as airborne bacteria and viruses.


What to do about cat dandruff ?

Several causes of cat dandruff and what you can do to help;
 A poor diet which lacks moisture and oils, usually a result of relying on dry food, can cause a deficiency in omega 3 fatty acids, moisture and other vitamins and minerals imperative for a shiny, healthy coat. This cause of dandruff can be helped by supplements and simply supplying your cat with a quality canned cat food approved by the AAFCO (aafco.org) which regulates nutritional levels for animal food.
 If your cat is not grooming often enough, or not at all, because they may be overweight, ill or elderly, you can lend a hand by grooming them daily. This will help stimulate and distribute the natural oils which can help with a dry coat.
  Heated forced air in the home during the winter can dry out your cat's skin as well as yours. Try using a humidifier in the home to help combat dry air.

Sunburn dandruff might not be actual dandruff but a result of sunburn and the skin peeling. You can apply a topical cream, but mainly it's a matter of waiting for the burn and flakiness to subside. In extreme cases kitty should see their vet. Brew and cool some green tea and rinse kitty with it (if they'll let you). The antioxidants in the tea will help soothe and heal the sunburn.
 Seborrhea or scaly skin can be treated with medicated shampoos available at your local pet stores or vet. Seborrhea is caused by abnormal skin cell production making the skin flaky and dry as well as oily and scaly.
 Mites cause a condition called Cheyletiellosis or walking dandruff. This type of mite is usually transmitted by other pets in places such as shelters, boarding or grooming businesses. It can also be transmitted to humans or from humans to pets, so the whole home, as well as other pets, must be treated to avoid re-infestation. Poor nutrition can lower your cat's immune system making them more prone to mites.
 If after trying the at home treatments and you still notice your kitty has dandruff you should seek your veterinarians help so that any serious conditions can be eliminated.


Have fun with your pal with these five summer activities.

Ultimate Frisbee
Make your dog an ultimate champion this summer! Playing Frisbee is an inexpensive and fun way to keep your dog active in the summer. No matter where you are  the beach, the park, even in your own backyard teach your pal to leap through the air to make a perfect catch. You’ll build his confidence and stamina while helping him get fit. Plus, it will do wonders for your arms! If your dog is already a champion or you want to challenge him a bit more, find a Disc Dog Club in your area.
This summer let your dog enjoy his day poolside. If he loves swimming let him lounge in style in a dog pool float. If your dog can’t swim or you prefer to keep him in shallow water, set up a kiddy pool or even clean out an old plastic or stainless steel tub and fill it up with nice, cold water. Your dog will love splashing around and keeping cool in his own special doggie pool!

If you have an active, energetic dog he’ll love the great outdoors. Once you’ve proven he is travel ready, pack up the whole family and head to your favorite place to camp out. Be sure to research the campgrounds and make sure there are no harmful plants or insects that will make him sick in the camping area. Take your pal on hikes and explore new areas. Plus, if you are camping in an RV and own a PetSafe Wireless Fence you can contain your pal on your trip! Simply bring your Transmitter, Receiver and Boundary Flags with you to make sure he doesn’t run away.
Treats on a dog day afternoon
On those hot, sticky days of summer it’s hard to even fathom going outside. It’s even harder to make yourself workout in that heat. Instead of sweating the day away playing Frisbee or mastering a ring jump, go on a picnic! Treat yourself to a nice cool bowl of frozen yogurt and grab your pal one as well. Many pet-friendly fro-yo and Italian ice shops, like select Rita’s Water Ice stores, offer a special doggie bowls to keep your pal cool. Then head to his favorite park to enjoy your treats and play in the sun!
Summer School
The thought of summer school may make you groan, but summer is a great time to send your pal back to school. Summer is a great time to teach your dog his boundaries in your yard. Do you have a garden he isn’t allowed to play in? A plant he isn’t allowed to eat? Do you live near a busy road? Plus, you can freshen up his understanding of basic commands and so much more.
Keep in mind that your pet may not be able to handle diary foods. Also, be sure to ask about sugar content in the frozen treat before giving it to your pal. “Sugar-free” options can be extremely harmful to your dog. Most sugar-free items use artificial sweeteners, such as xylitol, which are extremely dangerous for your pal to consume.
Article source : http://www.petsafe.net/Education/5-ways-to-have-fun-in-the-sun-with-your-dog


Why You Should have Get A Pet

The first reason is that they bring a lot of joy to a person's life. No matter what kind of day you have had (good, bad, depressing, etc.), spending five seconds with them will always make it better. It has also been proven that people with animals tend to be happier and live longer lives because of the joy their pets bring them.
The second reason I think everyone should own an animal is because they love you unconditionally. No matter what you have done (past or present, good or bad), they do not care. As long as you are nice to them and take care of them, you can do no wrong.
The third reason an animal is beneficial is they are helpful, both mentally and/or physically, for the elderly. For those that are able to care for a pet, they provide exercise and companionship. For those that are not able, like Alzheimer patients, pets have been found helpful in reducing the number of anxious outbursts a patient may have.
The fourth reason every family should have a pet is that they can improve family relations. Pets help to keep arguments, calmly talking, from turning into fights, loudly screaming, because they are great stress relievers that help to break tension.
The final top reason everyone should have a pet is because they benefit your health. It has been proven that people with animals are less likely to suffer from allergies and asthma. Studies have also been done that shows people with pets are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, and many others. Also, studies have shown that kids that have pets in their homes are more likely to have higher self-confidence than children without pets.
So when you are making a decision on whether or not you should get a pet, remember that you will not only be helping them by giving them a loving home, but they will also be helping you mentally and physically.


Suggestions To Reduce The Smell Of Pets

The first product I would recommend to help reduce the smell of your dog is the Perfect Coat Shampoos for dogs and puppies. They have many different kinds of shampoos that cater to your specific needs, but all of them leave your dog with a soft, healthy, shiny, and pretty smelling coat. I would recommend Tushee Wipes by QuickBath. These are biodegradable bath wipes that helps to remove dirt and debris in between baths. This keeps your dog from getting too dirty and smelly. It is made with Aloe Vera and Vitamins A & E helping to soothe your pet's skin. They will also not harm your pet if ingested. There are two types of brushes I would recommend using if your dog sheds a lot. The first type of brush is made of wired pins and helps to remove tangles and debris from their coats. The second type of brush I would recommend is the stainless steel pin combs. This comb helps to remove extra hair and debris that is embedded further in their coat that the brushes usually miss.
The first product is a cat litter called Mimi Litter and it is available at Walmart. It is made up of Porous Silica Sand and it looks like crystals. We use to use clay litter at our house until we rescued Isis. It was then that a friend of ours recommended Mimi Litter to us because we were having a problem with the clay litter covering up the smell of her poops. There are other cat litter brands that make similar products; this is just the cheapest one we have found that works. The next product I would recommend, also available at Walmart, is PRO PET Between Bath Wipes, fresh scent. As it says in the name, these are wipes that help remove dirt, debris, and pet odors in between baths. Since our cats are only indoor cats, we only use these every other week. They have Aloe Vera and Lanolin that help to promote a healthy, shiny coat. These wipes also do not seem to bother our cat Pouncer, who has sensitive skin.
I would also recommend brushing your cats daily with a brush that has wire pins and combing them with a comb that has stainless steel teeth. Brushing and combing your cat helps keep the skin clean, helps to prevent your cat's hair from matting, and also helps to reduce the cat hair in your home. I have found that these types of brushes and combs work best to get through all of the hair with the least amount of effort and help to remove the most amount of hair to reduce shedding.

Yo-yo ducklings

I love the duck.
But the technique of the yoyo is great, too.


Suggestions To Promote Healthy Pets

The dog foods made by Fromm : This brand is not available in grocery stores or large outlet centers and can only be found at pet specialty stores. This is a holistic brand of dog food that promotes healthy digestion and if you choose the hard food, it helps keep their teeth strong. When choosing the flavor, switch up the protein selection (duck, chicken, salmon, etc.) so that your puppy or dog is getting a variety of proteins. I would also recommend Healthy Edibles chews, dog treats, and dog bones by Nylabone. These are all natural dog products that help satisfy your dogs chewing needs, come in a variety of flavors, and are inexpensive. I would also recommend The Blue Buffalo Co. treats from training and rewards. This is the same brand as the cat food one I had mentioned earlier and offers the same benefits to dogs. Brushing your dog's teeth is also very important and should be done everyday to help reduce the chances of different mouth diseases and bad breath. I would recommend brushing their teeth at least twice a week using a toothbrush and doggie toothpaste. The healthy bones and different chew toys also help promote good dental hygiene. The last item I would recommend is a deer antler (no specific brand). These last a very long time, are more durable than bones, are very unlikely to splinter or chip, they have beneficial nutrients, and are odor and stain free.
 The cat foods made by The Blue Buffalo Co: This is a holistic brand of cat food that does not have any chicken or poultry by-product meals, no artificial preservatives, no artificial flavors, and it does not have any corn, wheat, or soy. I would also recommend Greenies dental cat treats. Dental health is very important in cats and it can be very painful and difficult for your pet if they develop gingivitis. On top of the dental treats, you want to try to brush your cat's teeth everyday with a small toothbrush and kitty toothpaste; all of which can be found at Petsmart or other pet stores for relatively low costs.


When moving abroad with pets you should find a new veterinarian

When moving abroad with pets, one of the most important things you should do is find a new veterinarian. A good first step is to ask local people you already know, or your new neighbors, for a recommendation .
One of the first things to check out is if a clinic has any special certifications, proving that they adhere to certain standards. Also, be sure that they offer the services you need, be it boarding, grooming or surgical services. Another important issue is location, as you should ideally choose a clinic close to your house, in case help is needed on short notice. In addition, a good idea is to check whether your vet provides emergency services.
Once you choose a clinic, and before visiting, you may want to make a phone call, to make further enquiries. Here are several useful questions that you can ask:
  1. What types of animals do you treat?
2.    How many vets do you have on staff?
3.    Do you provide emergency services?
4.    How many technicians do you have on staff and how long have they worked there?
5.    How much do your services cost?
6.    How long have you been in practice?
7.    How long have the vets been practicing?
8.    Do you have specialists on staff? If not, do you work with other practices?
9.    What services do you offer?
10. What are your working hours? Do you work on weekends?
11. Will you provide a tour of your facilities?
Once you decide to visit the clinic, pay attention to the atmosphere. The reception itself should reflect professionalism and good organization. A good sign is if the clinic is very busy and if staff is attentive to its clients. Look around for any thank you cards, brochures, information bulletins or newspaper clippings. Also, if there are any clients waiting, talk to them and check if they were satisfied with the service.
Consider these points whilst looking around:
- Is the place hectic?
- How does the staff seem to treat the clients and their pets?
- How do you react to this place?
- Is the place clean?
- How would your pet react to this place?
- Are people friendly and knowledgeable?
It may take visits to a number of vets before you find one you are comfortable with, but do take the time - you want to know your pet will have the best care possible.


Natural treatments for fleas and ticks

If  you'd prefer a much safer, natural way to protect our pets and our families from fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, flies and other pests, here are six secret natural weapons in the war against these pests.

1 - Garlic. In addition to its many other valuable health benefits as an anti-fungal and antibiotic, garlic makes your pet's blood completely unattractive to pests like fleas, ticks and mosquitoes that would otherwise make a meal of your pet's blood. Easy-to-give garlic supplements are available and with a pet's advice you can also give your pet raw garlic. (Don't try raw garlic without instructions from your veterinarian.)

2 - Neem Spray. Neem spray is made of natural neem and citronella. It can be sprayed directly on your pet (follow instructions) to repel and kill fleas, ticks and larvae.

3 - Herbal sprays. Certain compounds such as cedar oil, geranium oil, rosemary and clove oils repel fleas, ticks and flies. Natural, herbal sprays contain these helpful ingredients and smell great to humans but repel fleas, ticks and flies. They can be sprayed directly on pet (watch out for eyes) and on their bedding.

4 - Neem Shampoo. Again, made of valuable Neem from the near east, this shampoo works synergistically with Neem spray to kill and repel fleas and ticks effectively and naturally without side effects.

5 - Homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies treat many conditions ranging from pet anxiety to skin problems. Specific remedies can help protect pets from fleas and ticks and their affects on skin, without side effects or chemicals. Just squirt in your pet's mouth as directed.

6 - Diatomaceous Earth. A powerful secret weapon in your fight against fleas, ticks, bed bugs and other insects, diatomaceous earth, which is a white powder made of fossils, cuts into insects and kills them. Around people and pets, be sure you only use food grade diatomaceous earth which does not contain more than 1% crystalline silica and can be used as directed on pets skin and coat, bedding, rugs and other places where fleas and ticks can come into contact with it and die.
More information on these treatments is available at http://www.allnaturalpethealth.com/flea_and_tick_control_no_chemicals.html. http://www.AllNaturalPetHealth.com is a boutique-style provider of natural pet foods, treats and health supplements for pets, including food grade diatomaceous earth and other safe and all-natural treatments to protect pets from fleas and ticks naturally without chemicals or side effects.


Beginning to groom a pet early in life is ideal

Selecting a good trimmer is easier than ever if you know what to look for. Select one that fits your pet. Some models come with multiple attachments. You have the option of selecting a battery operated model if you do not have access to an outlet where you trim your pet. With the convenience of cordless operation you are not limited to where you do the trimming. Choose a slim, lightweight model to keep you from getting tired on larger animals.
If you need to trim delicate areas, such as around the eyes or ears, choose a trimmer that is small, compact and made for trimming that area.
A professional trimmer gives you options. Select one that is maintenance free where it will not need oiling or greasing of internal parts. These clippers are quiet to help ease your pet's anxieties. Features can include detachable blades for easy changing and cleaning, cool running motors, break-resistant housing, contoured to fit your hand and reduce fatigue, multiple blade attachments and multiple speeds.
Trimmers are now available with a duel LED light positioned to cast ultra bright white light that allows expert grooming, even in dark, shadowed areas.
Don't forget their nails! All pets get jagged nails from time to time. Keep them well manicured and avoid scratches on floors and furniture. Your pet will look great too! You can choose from a two-speed nail grinder to the more traditional nail clippers.
Stiff, nylon bristles smooth coat for shiny appearance and helps distribute healthy coat oils. A flea comb removes fleas/eggs and grooms around face and eyes.
When purchasing a shampoo for your pet, consider if your pet has any skin problems. Shampooing your pet regularly promotes a healthy and shiny coat.
Keeping your pets teeth clean has never been easier! Your pet can now have his/her own toothbrush! They are also available in a mini finger toothbrush where you can slide the tip onto your finger and gently brush your pets teeth.
Having a healthy pet is what everyone wants. Give your pet the best care you can and the rewards you receive will be worth it.
Please remember to spay or neuter your pets. Consider adoption from your local shelter.


Bedlington Terrier

Originally called the Rothbury Terrier, the Bedlington hails from the Border Counties between England and Scotland. This is rocky, hilly country where there is an abundance of wildlife and vermin -ideal terrier country! Although the Bedlington's background is vague, there are some general assumptions that can be made as far as the Bedlington's roots are concerned. It is assumed that one of the foundation dogs is Old English Terrier, with crosses to the Otterhound and possibly to the Dandie Dinmont. On occassion, it had been mentioned that the Whippet is also in the Bedlington's background because of the similarity in conformation, including the dog's head shape and abdominal tuck-up, and the Bedlington's speed, but in general this is refuted by most experts.


Eco Friendly Pet Products

Eco friendly pet products are easier to find than first thought, with more people looking to change all areas of their life by going green.Green pet products can help to make the animals in the house healthier and happier. As with everything, introducing the green element into a household can be done gradually, to ensure that everyone adapts well.
There are several different shampoos and deodorizers on the market that are very effective, and great for the environment. The dog will be clean and smell fantastic, but without all of the chemicals that are put in conventional grooming products. Often this type of shampoo will in fact strip far too much oil from the dog causing it to itch and be irritated.

Eco friendly pet products do not contain any harmful chemicals that may cause irritation to the animal. They also contain natural ingredients for the fragrance, so the dog will not only be lovely and clean but also smell natural. Any skin conditions the animal may have had will clear up in a short space of time, once the new green pet products have been used. As well as grooming products there are also other green products that can be bought. Bedding, cat litter and even the bags to clear up after dogs can all be green.

Many pet items can be made from 100% recyclable materials, from the bed they sleep on to the balls they play with. Also cat litter trays and the actual litter for inside can both be extremely good green pet products. Buying organic foods and treats is also another great way to ensure that the pets in the house are eating well and being green. There are several different varieties of pet food that are organic, making them healthier for the animals. If finding them is an issue then they can be made very easily, ensuring that all of the ingredients have been handpicked.

Before purchasing any eco friendly products knowing what to look for is essential. The ingredients of all items will need to be checked to ensure they are in fact green. Many companies claim to sell green pet products, but they are often not 100% eco friendly. With so many pets in the world, if everyone changed their products to eco friendly ones it would make a huge impact on the environment. Even small changes to the products that are bought for the pets in the house can make a big difference. They are often alongside the other pet products on the shelf, and are bought out of habit rather than what the quality or price is. With the smallest amount of research, finding the best eco friendly pet products is easy.
Nicole Roberts
Welcome to Green Home Outfitters, inside you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality  eco friendly pet products .


Shipping Your Pet

There are several steps you can take to ensure your precious cargo arrives at his destination safely:
· Provide a USDA approved kennel. Your pet should have enough space to stand up and turn around in the kennel. If your they will be in transport for more than 12 hours, be sure to provide food and water dishes and their normal brand of food. Place a blanket or an old worn shirt in the kennel. Your scent will give your animals a sense of security during transport.
· Write your name, your pet's name and destination, and the words "Live Animal" on the outside of the kennel. Attach a photograph of him or her to the outside of the kennel. Carry a photograph of your with you, especially if you will meet your pet at your destination. This will help in identifying your pet.
· Get a recent veterinary exam and verify that your pet is current on all shots. You will need a recent bill of health from your veterinarian before we can ship your pet. Keep in mind that there may be local quarantine laws if you are shipping across state lines or internationally.
· Do not sedate your pet prior to shipping unless recommended by your veterinarian.
· Give your pet plenty of water, but do not feed solid food for 12 hours prior to shipping your pet. The stress of transport could upset your pet's stomach.
Following these guidelines will help ensure that shipping your pet is as easy and hassle-free as possible.
If you have specific questions or concerns about shipping your pet, contact our management team by phone or email and http://www.shiprightnow.com will assist you with the information you need to ship your pet with confidence.


How to get rid of fleas quickly and easily

If a flea problem remains untreated, it can become more serious. In fact, your pet could actually develop a colony, as one female flea can produce thousands of babies. With this many insects attacking your pet's skin, there is a greater chance of infection.
On top of that, eradication becomes more difficult as the fleas multiply. Flea shampoos simply will not be enough to kill all of them. Instead, you will have to resort to a pest control company. And if you go this route, you will have a very expensive bill to contend with. Avoid this problem by learning how to get rid of fleas once the problem starts.
To begin this process, you need to know where fleas proliferate. Usually, this is in areas where there are tall grasses. Fleas live there until a person or an animal walks by. They latch themselves onto the new host, thinking they are a better source of food. You can lessen this occurrence by spraying these areas with anti-flea solution. Also minimize the amount of time you let pets roam around such areas. This becomes even more important during an active infection.
For controlling the infection itself, the best thing you can do is apply a flea treatment.Once they are applied to the skin, it will take around twenty four hours for the medication to take into effect. Either way, make sure you keep things safe during the application. Avoid getting the solution into the pet's eyes and keep them from licking the affected areas as swallowing the solution could make them sick.
For smart tips on how to stop dog itching and hypoallergenic dog food visit SmartMusings.com


Cat Thief Steals From Neighbors In California (VIDEO)

He's the ultimate cat burglar. Perhaps because he is a cat. Dusty the cat sneaks out of his San Mateo, California home every night to do a little stealing. He snatches up everything from bathing suits to shoes to children's toys, and according to this AP video has burglarized the neighborhood over 600 times. His record? 11 items stolen in one busy night.


Rabbits can make good house pets

Having a rabbit as a pet can be fun and rewarding. Oftentimes, rabbits are used as a "starter pet" for children because they cost less than a dog or cat to buy and care for. They are soft and cuddly, and when handled gently and often, seldom bite.
Rabbits can live long, up to ten years or so. That in itself can be either a good or bad thing depending on your viewpoint. People often view rabbits as something to entertain the kids when they're young. But with a life expectancy as long as a dog, it does make them a long-term commitment. Think ahead.
There are several viruses that can infect your pet rabbit such as RHD (Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease) and herpes virus. Fortunately, RHD is not as prevalent in the United States as it is in other countries. Rabbits are also susceptible to bacterial infections, such as Pastuerella, which can cause infections of the nose, ears and eyes. These bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, but there are some strains that are resistant.
Rabbits can also be infested with fleas, lice and ear mites. Products available from your veterinarian, such as Revolution and Advantage-Multi for cats have been used to treat and control the parasites on rabbits.
Since rabbits can not throw up, a hairball impaction can cause them serious intestinal problems. Rabbits also need a balanced diet for their bacterial flora to help with their digestion. Introduce new foods slowly so their digestive system can adjust.
Rabbits requires some care, more than a cat, but considerably less than a dog. Frequent brushing also reduces hairball problems and keeps the hair from accumulating in the house. Clipping the tips off the nails will help reduce injuries from scratching to both people and flooring.
Some rabbits can be kept as house pets, much like cats, and can be litter trained. Unlike a cat, they do like to chew more and scratch up things, so it is important to rabbit proof your home and keep electrical cords out of reach. There are furniture guards that can also applied to exposed furniture legs or a bitter apple spray can be used as an extra deterrent.
Giving your pet rabbit lots of things to chew on will help keep him away from the furniture as well as help keep their teeth worn down.If their teeth become to long, a trip to the veterinarian for a quick trim may be necessary.
Vet care is important, but can be expensive. There is an additional problem having a bunny as a pet, there are not a lot of veterinarians with much experience with treating pet rabbits. Finding a good vet in your area can be difficult. If you can find a veterinarian that is willing to treat your rabbit, they can consult with specialists that are on-line by using the Veterinary Information Network (VIN). Often times, there are exotic specialists available in the larger metro areas, or you can find a doctor at a Veterinary University.
Many people really enjoy their rabbits as pets and there are several different kinds to choose from. You can choose a smaller dwarf rabbit to a large Californian rabbit. Before you purchase a rabbit, you can sometimes go to a livestock show and see the rabbits raised by the 4-H and FFA students and choose the kind that appeals to you and your child. There are also photos of all the recognized breeds of rabbits at http://www.arba.net/Breeds.htm. Take the time to research caring for rabbits and the supplies you need before you bring a bunny home.


Electronic pet doors

Electronic pet doors, that can offer safety from intruders and other animals entering their homes are showing up in more and more homes around the world, and as such, there are many pet companies manufacturing them today.
Make sure when buying your electronic doors they are well insulated. Unless you live in a climate that has very pleasant weather year round, if your doors are poorly insulated, you'll be unhappy with them once the cold and wind start coming in. Electronic doors can have different insulation factors, from being very poorly insulated to having such an airtight sealing system that they hold out bitterly cold weather.
Secondly, when purchasing electronic doors, if they are of the electronic flap model, make sure that when they're in auto mode, they lock in the inside to the outside direction. Many electronic flap doors can be manually locked, but do not auto lock in this direction with the theory that the door needs to lock from outside to inside in order to keep out other pets, but there's no reason to lock them in the inside to outside direction unless you specifically want to lock your pet in for some reason. If you think this through, you'll easily see the flaw in this reasoning. Any intruder wanting to come in can pull the flap toward the outside and crawl through and any smart raccoon will soon figure out how to do the same thing. Make absolutely sure the door locks in both directions on auto mode, not just on manual mode.
Thirdly, decide which door is more appealing to you as far as the way the electronics are handled. There are basically two groups in which the electronics fall into. Most of the automatic pet doors in this group work in a very similar fashion, i.e. the magnet or chip unlocks a flap that the pet can then push open and walk through.
The second group powers from an electronic collar worn by the pet that actuates a motor driven panel that raises up into the top of the door panel, lowering and locking it once the pet is through the door.


The most common reasons why people get rid of their pets

If you are willing to try keeping your pet, there are many things you can do. Lets look at some of the most common reasons why people get rid of their pets, and how to get around them.

 1: I'm moving.
Solution: Bring your pet with! A quick Google search for "pet-friendly housing" will show you many different directories of rental housing that allows pets. Here are just a few that I found: People With Pets, Pets Welcome, My New Place, Pets911, Home With Pets, and Dog House Properties. And pet-friendly housing is not just limited to those sites! Many apartment buildings and complexes will allow pets. You may have to pay an extra security deposit. But in the end, it will be worth it, to keep your pet with you!
Here is something else you should know. If things get really bad and you have no place to live, you still may not have to give up your pet. Pets Of The Homeless is a website that works to help homeless people to keep their pets, or find temporary homes for their pets until they get back on their feet.

 2: I can no longer afford my pets.
Solution: Call your local animal shelter, or food pantry, and ask about pet food banks. They do exist, and are becoming more and more common! You can even make your own dog food, which may be cheaper in the long run. (Its not difficult! Dogs can eat much of the same things we eat!) Your local animal shelter, or your veterinarian, may also be able to tell you about free or low cost vet care for your pets.

3: We're having a baby.
Solution: Pets and children are a great combination! Most pets are perfectly fine around children, although they may be a little confused by the new arrival at first. You should always supervise your pet around young children. When your child is an infant, he probably won't be unsupervised anyways, right? As your child gets older, you will have to teach the child to be gentle with the pets. Do not allow your child to pull your pet's tail, poke him, pick him up, etc. Many people feel that a pet should be obligated to put up with whatever your child deals out. But that is not good for anyone involved! Teaching your child, from a young age, to be calm and nurturing around pets, is a great learning experience for the child. If you have a dog, you may want to do some extra training with him before the baby comes, to teach him not to jump up on you when you're holding the baby, etc. Other measures may include banning the pets from certain areas of the house, hiring someone to come walk your dogs or clean up after your pets when you don't have time to, etc.

 4: My new boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance/roommate is allergic to my pet.
Solution: As long as the person's allergy isn't life threatening, there are many things you can do to greatly reduce the allergens on your pet. Keeping your house clean is a giant step. Dust and vacuum frequently, and use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter if possible. You can buy an air filter for your home that sucks the allergens out of the air. A company called AllerPet makes a special liquid that you can wipe your pet down with regularly to get rid of the allergens on him. Sprinkling flax seeds in your pet's food can also reduce the amount of dander he produces. The person may even be willing to take allergy medication! After all, many people have seasonal allergies and take medicine regularly. They don't just get rid of the seasons!

  5: My new boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance/roommate doesn't like pets.
Solution: Are you really going to sacrifice your pet on someone else's whim? Are you sure you want to date someone or live with someone who doesn't like pets? That's a pretty big lifestyle change to make for someone else. If you're sure you want to stick with this person, work out a compromise. Maybe your pet can be banned from certain areas of the house, like the bedroom or the kitchen.

 6: I have developed health problems.
Solution: Speak to your veterinarian, neighbors, friends, people at your place of worship, etc. You can probably find some volunteers to help you take care of your pet. Having a pet can be a source of comfort when you are ill. In fact, many studies have shown that people with pets have lower blood pressure, lower heart rates, and are generally more healthy, than those without pets. If your health problems are so severe that you must move into a nursing home, maybe you can find someone willing too foster your pet for you.

  7: I work long hours, and don't have much time to spend with my pet. Its not fair to him.
Solution: While it may seem unfair that your pet has to spend time alone, it is still better than making him take his chances in a shelter! There are simple measures, such as providing stimulating toys for your pets, or leaving the TV on during the day, that can help your pet to feel less lonely. One nice thing you can do is buy your pet a special blanket. Sleep with it in your bed for a few nights before you give it to your pet. It will smell like you, and offer comfort to your pet when you are away from the house! You may also want to consider pet day care, or hiring someone to stop in during the day to play with your pets. Also, spending as little as fifteen minutes before you leave for work, just playing with your pet and spending quality time with him, can make a real difference. You don't have to be a perfect owner and spend tons of time hanging out with your pet. He will love you the way you are... and again, it is better to be alone at your home than to die alone in a shelter.

 8: My pet still isn't house trained.
Solution: If your pet is suddenly having "accidents" around the house when he used to be house trained, there could be a medical reason. You may want to consult your veterinarian. If the house training has just never completely been accomplished, you may have to start over from scratch. For a dog, take him out more frequently and try to get him on a schedule. If you are not home during the day, and your dog is eliminating on the floor or furniture while you are gone, you may want to consider crating him while you are not home. For a cat, switching to a different kind of litter, getting a bigger litter box, or moving the litter box to a different area of the house, can help. Clean up accidents with a mixture of vinegar and water. This mixture gets rid of the scent of urine or poop, so that the pet doesn't feel the need to "mark" that area again.

9: My pet has developed costly health problems.
Solution: Speak to your veterinarian about this. They may be able to guide you to low cost veterinary clinics, veterinary schools that offer low cost treatment, etc. Many veterinary offices now offer payment plans for treatment. They may be able to help you find creative ways of raising money to pay for your pet's treatment, too!

 10: My pet has behavior problems. He bites/scratches/jumps on me, barks too much, etc.
You may want to consider a training class for yourself and your pet. Petco and Petsmart offer fairly inexpensive training classes. It can be a good investment! If you can't afford this, then the library can provide books on dog training, and the Internet can provide websites with tips. Try Googling a specific problem you're having. For instance, search for "teach dog to stop barking." Spending ten or fifteen minutes a day working with your dog, and then consistently rewarding your dog for positive behavior, can make a huge difference.
 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nicki_Mann


A pet in winter time will need some extra care and effort

A pet in winter time may not want to go outside for potty training. They may also develop some bad habits when it comes to walking and exercise. A puppy may also have a thin coat of fur that makes going outside cold for a dog.
A puppy will not have their warm coat of fur yet. They will feel the temperatures faster than a regular full grown dog. They are also used to being warm and around their mothers warm milk, so the idea of placing them in snow may be a challenge.
There are some pet wear that could be placed on a dog to help with the winter chills. A pet may enjoy placing a fabric or material based covering over their back and sides to keep them warm. If they are not cold when they do head outside, they may not find it a challenge.
Most pets enjoy running and chasing things that move. Dogs cannot help but to chase a bouncing ball or a thrown toy. Once a dog is used to running and chasing items in the house, the same item or toy can be tossed outside in playful way. The pet should run out and chase it and not even realize the wet and cold snow that is under their feet.
Before a dog can change their mind about the snow and run inside. The owner may want to create the element of fun by continuing the game. The ball or toy can be tossed around as the pet runs and chases it. As the pet is running around they may not even notice the temperature or they may get used to the wet snow without even realizing it.
Another issue that some pets have in the winter months, is that the snow level is larger than the animal itself. If a pet cannot see above their head or in front of them, they may not feel comfortable going out. Shoveling snow in a large square area could help a puppy manage to go outdoors.
Young dogs may whine if they are left alone at night or cry if the owners of the home go out, being placed out in the cold alone could also be just as traumatic. The owner may need to make outside time a social event. When the puppy needs to go out for a walk or a run in the backyard, the owner should be out there in the back as well. They can encourage the dog to run and play. If the animal is not alone they may learn how to enjoy the outdoors.
Puppies, kittens, birds and more can be found in puppies Mississauga as well as puppies Toronto near you.