


Shipping Your Pet

There are several steps you can take to ensure your precious cargo arrives at his destination safely:· Provide a USDA approved kennel. Your pet should have enough space to stand up and turn around in the kennel. If your they will be in transport for more than 12 hours, be sure to provide food and water dishes and their normal brand of food. Place a blanket or an old worn...


How to get rid of fleas quickly and easily

If a flea problem remains untreated, it can become more serious. In fact, your pet could actually develop a colony, as one female flea can produce thousands of babies. With this many insects attacking your pet's skin, there is a greater chance of infection.On top of that, eradication becomes more difficult as the fleas multiply. Flea shampoos simply will not be enough to...


Cat Thief Steals From Neighbors In California (VIDEO)

He's the ultimate cat burglar. Perhaps because he is a cat. Dusty the cat sneaks out of his San Mateo, California home every night to do a little stealing. He snatches up everything from bathing suits to shoes to children's toys, and according to this AP video has burglarized the neighborhood over 600 times. His record? 11 items stolen in one busy night...


Rabbits can make good house pets

Having a rabbit as a pet can be fun and rewarding. Oftentimes, rabbits are used as a "starter pet" for children because they cost less than a dog or cat to buy and care for. They are soft and cuddly, and when handled gently and often, seldom bite.Rabbits can live long, up to ten years or so. That in itself can be either a good or bad thing depending on your viewpoint. People...


Electronic pet doors

Electronic pet doors, that can offer safety from intruders and other animals entering their homes are showing up in more and more homes around the world, and as such, there are many pet companies manufacturing them today. Make sure when buying your electronic doors they are well insulated. Unless you live in a climate that has very pleasant weather year round, if your doors...