


How to take care of your pet

take care of your pet Hygiene this is one of the hardest parts in taking care of your pet, hygiene is very important and one must not neglect it. Dogs need washing regularly; you can use plain soap or use specialized shampoos for animals. Pet supplies such as shampoos, hair brush, conditioners and such can be easily bought in special pet stores and suppliers. Regular...


Discus Fish Breeding

To breed the Discus Fish, a bare bottom tall 20 or 27 gallon tank is best. A vertical surface for them to deposit their eggs on is best because discus lay their eggs just like angels. If so desired, a potted plant or two can be added to the breeding tank. This will provide shelter for the pair, but this isn’t critical. An outside power filter should be used to pick...

Pet GPS Systems

Pet GPS Systems Pet GPS systems can be useful for pet owners who usually let their own cat or dog to run free at home. Compared with a conventional ID tag, a dog GPS system consists of a tag that can be monitored via a GPS satellite. If your pet happens to try to escape, all you need to do is actually enter the particular tag data right into a web site, and the precise...


Natural ways you can discourage fleas in your home and on your pet

Fleas can reproduce very quickly. In just one fleas lifetime (about two weeks) she can lay hundreds and hundreds of eggs. Once these eggs hatch the larva will begin feeding on pet hair, flea feces, dried blood, or any other disgusting organic matter found in carpets, furniture, and on your pets. After feeding this larva will spin a cocoon in which it can lay dormant...