There are several benefits associated with the keeping of pets.
Studies conducted by psychologists from Miami and Saint Louis
universities have shown that pets have wide range of healthy benefits to
most ordinary people. Studies have shown that people who own pets were
better adapted to changes in the social and economic spheres than those
who without pets. It was also derived that pet owners were far ahead in
inter-relationship than those without pets. On the same vein, they were
better placed to handle loneliness and other human relation
deficiencies. Thus they could cope well and maintain self image amidst
tensions. Contrary to previous assumptions, it was proved that pet
owners had better interrelationship among their brethren than what was
initially believed. It was established that, among those who were HIV-
positive, those with pets faired better compared with those who didn't
Depending on a research conducted from people of different
financial status, it was proved that those who owned pets faired better
than those without regardless of the prevailing circumstances. Through
this research, it was proved that in the midst of social and economic
upheavals, those with pets were better adapted to withstand changes than
those without. Pet owners were found to be more interacting and
understanding than those who were highly educated and with higher annual
turnovers. The study proved that whereas majority assumed that pet
owners were preoccupied with pets at the expense of the human
relationships, the reverse is the truth. Pet owners had better
interacting skills than those without making one to feel better when in
their company.
Those who owned pets faired better than those who
didn't in a wide range of circumstances. Regardless of the social and
economic differences, those who own pets are better and well adapted
than those without. In fact pet owners seem to have an upper hand when
it comes to matters of social and economic changes. Living with pets,
helps one to develop better communication skills which brings
understanding and quality relationships. It is now quite clear that,
every one should have a pet for the purpose of improving his
interrelation skills among other benefits. With that said and done the
overall benefits of having a nice pet will not only ensure that you gain
self esteem but will most likely contribute to your well being in the
long run.
Whereas the issue of owning pets was viewed from an
external point of view, it has now been proved that pets play an
important role for human health as well as his general welfare. The next
time you feel discouraged and out of place it might be because you have
poor inter -human relationships which isolate you. The best way out
would be for you to consider looking for a pet. This will not only
provide for you a close companion, but will teach you some important
lessons which will enhance your way of dealing with others. The overall
benefits of such a venture will attract friends to you to ensure that
you no longer feel lonely or isolated.