


Cat Baskets

Cats sleep most of the day, and they usually find a cozy spot to sleep. It may be your bed, favorite chair, stack of papers and books, fresh pile of linen, on top of a piece of furniture, or in an isolated corner. For my cat Mittens, those were all preferred spots at one time or the other, that is until I got her a cat basket. I placed it in her favorite...


Do Dogs and Cats Need Their Teeth Cleaned?

One of the more frequent conversations I have with pet owners before or during a teeth cleaning procedure (or dental treatment procedure) is about having to extract teeth. Usually it goes something like this: Doctor: "Pet owner, your pet has multiple teeth with end stage periodontal disease. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do to fix this, so I need...


Chinchilla Care

Now that you have a cute little Chinchilla in your home, make sure that you take good care of it. These little animals are very active and need extra attention, unlike the case of other pets like cats or dogs. Chinchilla care should begin with providing your new guest with proper accommodation. A good cage should be therefore, your topmost priority. Best...


How should rats be housed?

Rats do well in wire cages because they take pleasure in climbing. Wire cages also offer great ventilation. The floor has to be solid, and a bedding composed of aspen or pelleted recycled paper should be provided. Some rats like to make nests, so when you observe this behavior in your pets, add shredded paper towels in the cage. A bored rat is an unhappy...