


Pet Chinchillas - How to Care for Your Chinchilla

Chinchilla care is quite simple. All you need is to know the right way to provide their basic needs. This will contribute a great deal in raising the animals and ensuring they are in excellent condition every day. The following are some of the ways of caring for chinchillas includin...


Different Ways to Remember Your Pet

A persons pet can be a big part of their lives, and can even help them in times of needs, so the loss of a pet can hit a person or a family quite hard. When losing a pet happens to you, there are a number of different ways in which you can remember your pet. In this article we will look at some of the different ways in which you can commemorate your pet's...


Caring For Goldfish

Goldfish are great, rewarding pets to have. If you're looking to breed goldfish, have one as a pet, or are simply curious about what it might be like,they’re not hard to meet, but doing so is key to keeping a happy and healthy goldfis...


Upgrading From A Freshwater Aquarium To A Saltwater Aquarium

There are several valid reasons why you might decide to upgrade your freshwater tank but perhaps the most important reason is for the health and safety of your fish. Many novice aquarium hobbyists make the mistake of purchasing juvenile specimens of large species like Oscars and other cichlids, not realizing just how large these fish can get. If you make the mistake...


The best saltwater fish tank for beginners

Most mistakes when starting a marine aquarium are similar to mistakes made in freshwater tanks. Patience, patience, patience. All too often, beginner aquarists aren't patient and lose a lot of money and fish in the process. When many aquarists in the world of freshwater fish make a mistake and have a loss of fish, it doesn't hurt quite so bad in...


Aquarium lighting

The first factor that determines the necessity of aquarium lighting is whether you have real plants in your tank or not. If yours is a planted tank, the aquatic plants in the water will require light to perform photosynthesis. Without proper lighting at least for a couple of hours of each day, your live plants will begin to wither and die. If your aquarium...