









What are some health benefits to owning a pet?

Boost Your Immunity
Owning a cat or dog has also been shown to boost your immune system. Dr. James Gern from the University of Wisconsin-Madison also found that having a pet in the household reduced the incidence of childhood allergies by more than 30% in some kids. The same research showed that kids exposed to common household pets had more robust immune systems later in life.

What to Do If Your Pet Is Poisoned

Poisoning can be accidental or deliberate. The latter is rare, but when an animal is deliberately poisoned, it is especially distressing. Usually, the poison is hidden in an attractive bait, such as a piece of meat. This type of poisoning is an appalling form of cruelty to animals. Whenever it is suspected, the police are informed and all efforts are made to arrest and prosecute the culprit.
Most households possess substances which are potentially toxic to animals. Examples include rat poison, anti-freeze, slug pellets and weed killers. These substances are often perfectly safe when used according to the manufacturer's instructions, and if safely stored out of the reach of pets. But accidents do happen.


Factors To Consider When Buying A Family Dog

Buying A Family Dog

When buying a family dog you need to consider the following factors:
Type of family
You should consider the type of family that you have. If every member of the family is busy and no one has time for the animal, you go for a dog that doesn't require much attention.
You should also go for an animal that is not energetic. This is because if you go for an animal that is too energetic and you don't exercise him, he will start engaging in destructive behavior. Some of the lower energy dogs that you should consider going for are: Basset hounds, Boston terrier, and pugs.


Five things to know while keeping chinchillas as pets

chinchillas as pets

Five important things to know while keeping chinchillas as pets are below. After all, deciding what you want to keep as a pet isn't easy and it is always a good idea to brush up on information. Keeping an exotic pet like a chinchilla will also make you the neighbors' envy for sure. After all, not many around you have a chinchilla as a pet, do they?


Choosing Zebra Finch as Pets

Zebra Finches are undeniably attractive animals, while also being some of the easiest birds to care for and having endearing personalities, so it's easy to see why so many people are choosing to keep them as pets.


Patiently waiting Cats

Here are 15 devoted cats patiently waiting for their humans to return:

Patiently waiting Cats
Patiently waiting Cats


Advantages of Using a Pet Seat Cover

Many individuals are interested the top pet seat cover for their cars. The product provides extensive benefits for the owners. It really is ideal for all customers which bring their pets when you are traveling making use of their cars.There are also some excellent seat covers which might be available. You can compare some available products, in order to select the best one on your own. Read on this post to determine some advantages that you can get from this incredible product.


Three of The Best Places Online For Pet Advice

If you have a furry friend at your house, one thing there is a good chance you have a desire to do is provide them with the best possible life you can give them - ensuring that they are happy, healthy, and in a position to thrive - but as easy as it is for one to "hope this is the case" for one's pets, it is another thing entirely to actually take the steps necessary to make this a reality; if you are looking to ensure you are giving your pets the best life possible, one thing you will want to make sure you are doing is continually picking up knowledge and advice on the things you can do to make this "desire" your "reality" - and so, here is a look at three of the best places to go online for pet-related knowledge and advice.


Happy Cat Pictures

A happy and content Cat not suffering from anxiety. Panic attacks in Cats can be avoided by treating them with love and attention.
Happy Cat

Happy Cat


Taking care of your pet's health

pet's health

Taking care of your pet's health is a obligation just like taking care of your own health.  Just like you, you can prefer a health insurance plan for your animal.  There are so many excellent health care companies to decide from.


Happy Dog

A happy and content dog not suffering from anxiety. Panic attacks in dogs can be avoided by treating them with love and attention.

Happy Dog

Happy Dog


How to choose the right LED lighting for your particular aquarium

LED lighting for your particular aquarium

Below are some tips on how to choose the right LED lighting for your particular aquarium setting.
Choose the Color for the Effect You're Looking For
Once the light needs of your organisms are met, you get to play with a whole spectrum of colors, depending on the way you want to present your aquarium. For example, if you want a true realistic water shimmer in your aquarium, concentrate on white LED bulbs that give your setup an appearance of being in the sunlight.


Natural Pet Food

Most people with a pet rely on commercial pet food, with little thought to how nutritious it might be. This is understandable when you realise that most people don't feed themselves with nutritious food, instead relying on junk food, fast food, restaurant food, anything other than real food.

The fact is, food is vital to health. If you, or your pet, are not eating nutritious (ie quality), species-specific (ie that which your ancestors evolved on) food, then don't expect either you, or your pet, to be healthy. It really is very simple.

However, humans like to make things more complicated than they really are. That is, humans with a vested interest.


Funny Dog Faces Pictures

One can always depend on a dog to derp hard, causing all who view the hilarious dog face to forget their troubles and cheering up everyone indefinitely.
Dog pictures give you a glimpse into the world of our favorite canine friends.

Funny Dog Face


Funny praying Cat

Funny praying Cat - funny Cat photos:

We pray when times are bad and when we want healing for a loved one.....and believe it or not...even cats pray!

Funny praying Cat


Deal with the loss of a pet !!


If you are suffering with the loss of a pet, here are some tools to find relief.
Find a support group
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement offers a list of pet bereavement support groups in several states. Most humane societies also offer group sessions. Psychotherapist Marcia Breitenbach recommends this approach because it allows pet owners to see that they are not alone. If your community does not have a pet grief group, she suggests attending bereavement group sessions, which typically are offered at churches or hospitals.


10 Tips on Coping with Pet Loss

Coping with Pet Loss

Anyone who considers a pet a beloved friend, companion, or family member knows the intense pain that accompanies the loss of that friend. Following are some tips on coping with that grief, and with the difficult decisions one faces upon the loss of a pet.

1. Am I crazy to hurt so much?

Intense grief over the loss of a pet is normal and natural. Don't let anyone tell you that it's silly, crazy, or overly sentimental to grieve!
During the years you spent with your pet (even if they were few), it became a significant and constant part of your life. It was a source of comfort and companionship, of unconditional love and acceptance, of fun and joy. So don't be surprised if you feel devastated by the loss of such a relationship.
People who don't understand the pet/owner bond may not understand your pain. All that matters, however, is how you feel. Don't let others dictate your feelings: They are valid, and may be extremely painful. But remember, you are not alone: Thousands of pet owners have gone through the same feelings.


Care for an English Bulldog

English Bulldog

The English bulldogs are a very famous breed among pet lovers as they are calm and apathetic. Well, they actually snore a lot, but by calm I mean they won't drive you acorns with the moving around or barking or abolishing the furniture. Plus, they're extremely cute.


Keep Your Cats Occupied

Keep Your Cats Occupied

Cats  basically disregard what you want and are almost impracticable to train them to the point you would train a dog.
Have empty bode ready. Cats adore boxes, or any other tight spaces they can snuggle into. Take a shoe box and put it on the floor and wait. In about three minutes there will be one cat in it, I guarantee it. It will love the box so much that it will sleep in it, play with it to the point of turning it into ribbons. Cats don't play nice, they usually destroy their plaything. We just want to make sure that's not you. 


Choosing the right size tank

The tank you choose will be the foundation of your very own Marine Aquarium. It's good to get this right the first time. If you do, it will save you a lot of time and money. The reason I say this is because people buy a tank and then later on realize that they want a bigger one, so if you know what type of setup you want before you buy your tank you have more of a chance of making the right decision on the size.