


What are some health benefits to owning a pet?

Boost Your Immunity Owning a cat or dog has also been shown to boost your immune system. Dr. James Gern from the University of Wisconsin-Madison also found that having a pet in the household reduced the incidence of childhood allergies by more than 30% in some kids. The same research showed that kids exposed to common household pets had more robust immune systems...

What to Do If Your Pet Is Poisoned

Poisoning can be accidental or deliberate. The latter is rare, but when an animal is deliberately poisoned, it is especially distressing. Usually, the poison is hidden in an attractive bait, such as a piece of meat. This type of poisoning is an appalling form of cruelty to animals. Whenever it is suspected, the police are informed and all efforts are made to arrest...


Factors To Consider When Buying A Family Dog

When buying a family dog you need to consider the following factors: Type of family You should consider the type of family that you have. If every member of the family is busy and no one has time for the animal, you go for a dog that doesn't require much attention. You should also go for an animal that is not energetic. This is because if you go for an animal that...


Five things to know while keeping chinchillas as pets

Five important things to know while keeping chinchillas as pets are below. After all, deciding what you want to keep as a pet isn't easy and it is always a good idea to brush up on information. Keeping an exotic pet like a chinchilla will also make you the neighbors' envy for sure. After all, not many around you have a chinchilla as a pet, do the...


Choosing Zebra Finch as Pets

Zebra Finches are undeniably attractive animals, while also being some of the easiest birds to care for and having endearing personalities, so it's easy to see why so many people are choosing to keep them as pet...


Patiently waiting Cats

Here are 15 devoted cats patiently waiting for their humans to return: source source...