









Have an easier time with bathing your dog

Listed below are five effective tips for bathing your dog:
1. Prepare all your tools ahead of time.
Why would this be important? Once you've started bathing your puppy, you don't want to leave him by himself. If you forget the soap or even a wash cloth, you would likely have an escapee to deal with. Making sure you're prepared beforehand will ensure that your canine will be safe, in addition to not having a furry, wet pet tracking water all around your home.
2. Use soaps or conditioning products which have been made specifically for dogs.
This is important because Your dog's skin has a different pH level than our skin. Dog products are formulated to keep up the correct pH balance, giving him a shiny, healthy coat. And because most people shampoos are going to be too harsh on the dog's skin which often can lead to itching and scratching.
3. Make sure to rinse your dog off thoroughly after washing.
The main reason behind this is that residual shampoo can cause irritation for a dog's skin. This can lead to an itchy, uncomfortable dog. It is additionally a great idea because if your dog is scratching himself repeatedly, it might lead to further problems, including skin disease.
4. Pat dry your dog before letting him from the bath tub.
This just makes life easier for you! Getting the excess water off your pet before releasing him from the tub will lessen some of the "water spray" you're likely to see when bath time is finished.
5. Don't shampoo or bathe your pup unless he really needs it.
This is important because frequent baths will strip your dog's coat of its naturally occurring protective oils. Robbing his skin of such essential oils can bring about scratching from dried-out skin, and again, this can lead to bigger problems like dermatitis.
If you find you need to bathe your dog more often, try buying wet dog wipes or dry dog shampoo, available at most pet retailers. They can be used more often without causing a problem with your dog's natural oils.
Whenever you follow these five tips carefully you are likely to have an easier time with bathing your dog.


Dogs do not bark for no reason!!

The first thing to keep in mind if your dog is barking for no reason that is apparent to you is that your dog has far more sensitive ears than humans do. They hear things that we don't, and they can be scared by these things. It is perfectly natural for them to bark once or twice at unknown noises, but then it is up to you to stop the barking after that. You can do that in a number of ways that is natural and not painful or threatening to them.
Sometimes dogs bark incessantly because they need love, attention, and affection. Barking is their way of wheedling, of forcing their owners to pay attention to what they need. Whether you think of your dog as part of the family, or just a runt that the kid brought in, they are still a living animal that needs the same things that humans do. A dog cannot survive without sufficient affection, and just like a child, they will make noises when they aren't getting the affection that they need. Unfortunately, the barks can be loud and prolonged if your dog doesn't get enough love.
Dogs do not bark for no reason. They are barking for a reason you may not be aware of, and it is your job to find out what could be causing the barking. By finding patterns in your dog's barking, you might be able to figure out what your dog wants and what it is that happens to be bothering the dog at the moment.
Get free  tips, helpful recommendations, at this blog: stopbarkingdogblog.com


Balanced and nutritious pet food recipes

To keep the pets healthy and strong, we shall give them balanced and nutritious pet food recipes like the following:
1. Original Ultra Premium Dry Cat Food - this is something that is put together by considering all scientific tests and formula to make your pet cats healthy and strong. This has nothing to do with marketing campaign or tactics this is pure concern with the health and welfare of cats. Original Ultra Premium Dry Cat food is perfect for all breeds of cats and all conditions whether pregnant cats, kittens, male or female cats, even adult cats can all enjoy this tasteful and healthy food especially created based on their needs. This has ingredients like fresh chicken, carrots, sweet potatoes, skin and coat essential fatty acids and best of all it has NO artificial preservatives added. It is also highly digestible by your pets so by giving this to your cat you are guaranteed that your pet is having the high quality it truly deserves.
2. Limited Ingredient Diets Sweet Potato & Chicken Dry Dog Food - this is a grain-free formula for dogs with allergies based on the unique protein and carbohydrate blend. What many people seem to not notice is that even dogs and all other animals for that matter can also be prone to some allergies so we shall be careful in giving the pets foods that may trigger the allergy. This dog food product is made from combination of sweet potatoes, chicken as well as natural ingredients that are effective to improve the immune system of dogs. If you notice that your dog is allergic to protein and carbohydrates in their diet by seeing symptoms like bowel movements and skin problems you should immediately switch to sweet potato and fresh chicken formula for your dog diet.
3. Grain Free Potato & Duck Formula Dry Dog Food - another type of dog food for dogs that have allergies to protein content of their food. Since this recipe uses the combination of fresh potato and duck meat, dogs can still get the protein nutrients they need in their body. Since dogs have not been exposed to duck meat, this formula is perfect for their diet and allergies.
With all the information you just read, it would be great if you will start providing your pets with these kinds of pet foods. Natural balance cat food or dog food can be the key to longer life of your beloved pets so try and order now. If you are the busy type of person who doesn't have much time to go to the market and go through long lines there is an easier and best option for you and that is by ordering online, you can check out different websites for more information.


Which cat urine cleaner you should buy?

The following are four tips to buying cat urine cleaner:

1. Fragrance Free : The best option is to go with fragrance free urine cleaner. Those that contain heavy perfumes only cover up the smell and do not clean the actual urine out of the carpet or furniture. Masking the smell only gives you a false sense of clean when the stain is removed and the odor returns. Instead, choose the cleaner that does not have a fragrance so that you can tell when the odor is gone.

2. Repeat Soiling Prevention : It is important that your pet understand that the spot that the soiled is not the place to do their business. Cats tend to use the same area over and over as it is comfortable to them. Any cleaner should include a repellant to keep the cats from wanting to urinate on the same spot. This may cost a bit more overall, but the end result is definitely worth it.
3. Safe : Any cleaner that is used should not contain any harsh chemicals that can harm any living creature in your home. There are many natural ingredients that can be used and should be the main ingredients in any cleaner that you choose. If the cleaner does contain harmful or toxic ingredients, you, your family or your pets can become ill or worse.

4. Size : Finally, you want to make sure that the company is offering enough of the cleaner to do a proper job. A small bottle may not contain enough cleaner to take care of more than one stain. You want to get at least a quart for your money's worth in order to have it one hand when you need it.

The smell of cat urine is one of the strongest and should be cleaned up as soon as possible. A safe and non-toxic cat urine cleaner that is fragrance free is your best option. 


The best veterinarian for your cat

In getting the best veterinarian for your cat, check nearby animal hospitals and check for feline specialists. Ask about the length of their practice, their specializations and the availability of the doctor if ever you need to ask something about your pet's health or condition. It is better if you can talk with the chosen vet before formally deciding whether you want him or her to be your pet's vet. You would want to gauge if the vet is approachable and friendly.
You may want to try bringing your pet to see if your pet is comfortable with the environment and the cat vet. Along with the vet that you want for your cat, also consider the staff in the hospital. Are they friendly to animals and do they give attention to every patient they have? Look around the place. Inspect for cleanliness while waiting for the vet. Also choose an animal hospital near your place in case of emergencies. Ask recommendations from friends and search the internet for opinions about different pet hospitals and cat vets in your area.
After getting your pet a veterinarian, bring your pet over to get acquainted with the doctor. Also ask about general check-ups and vaccines. Get all the vaccines your pet needs and schedule other check-ups in the future. With a cat vet, you are now confident that there will be someone to take care of your pet in case something goes wrong. The next thing that you should know is when to bring your cat to the vet.
When to bring your cat immediately to the vet? When your pet experiences trouble breathing, seizures, and bleeding in any area, you have to bring it immediately to your vet. Call your vet in time when your cat suddenly changes its routine like more frequent use of the litter box, appetite loss and lethargy.
Since cats are fastidious animals, they most often spend time grooming themselves. At the same time, a cat grooming one particular area over and over again may also mean that it's suffering an illness or allergy. Sneezing, coughing, vomiting and inability to walk or loss of balance also need medical attention since they are symptoms of some common and fatal feline diseases.
Find out more about cat vomiting and also learn more about cat neutering


Pets prevent depression

Research has shown that pets provide many benefits in terms of health. They do not speak with us, but they prevent depression. Fur "Friends" helps overcome everyday stress and improve your mood say some experts.
Some people use yoga as a method of stress reducing, others use meditation or psychotherapy. For those less "trendy", but animal lovers, scientists have good news: our four-legged friends raise the morale and improve the health.
It is almost impossible to stay angry when you have around a lovely dog or cat. A recent study on HIV-positive men showed that they were more protected against depression if they had around them a pet. According to the study, men who had a pet were three times more protection of depression than healthy men.
Moreover, experts say that four-legged friends have a tremendous effect on blood pressure control. And sometimes they do this even better than specific drugs. Drugs for hypertension in general, reduce tension, but not very effective in controlling sudden increases in tension caused by stress.
That's not to say that those who have dogs do more exercise and this is another advantage of having a pet because it encourages you to make more movement. Whether you go out walking outside with the dog or playing in the house anyway you make exercises. Nowadays, when time to sport and movement is increasingly reduced, any form of exercise is beneficial for the body.
Also, pets offer social support. In other words, when we walk with the dog we go in places where there are many other owners of pets with the same passion, so we grow our network of friends and acquaintances. Pets protect us from loneliness and give us unconditional love. They are a perfect companion that knows to listen to the owner's problems, and that are often silent and know how to keep a secret. Moreover, they are an "antidote" of loneliness.
Pets are also a support for older people. Elders staying alone in the house feel less alone after visiting an animal than after visiting a man.
Another way that our pets help us to get rid of stress is by talking with them and they are just listening being perfect listeners. But don't hurry to purchase an animal if you can not stay with him and can not take care of him. In this way you will not benefit from the advantages offered by owning a pet and even more you will only make the pet suffer.


Some signs to indicate a stressed pet

Here are some signs to indicate a stressed pet.
Itching. Most of the time, this isn't a symptom of stress. There are other more obvious reasons for itching like ticks, fleas, lice, rashes, skin allergies, etc. But if these reasons aren't present or they are scratching more than normal then stress becomes a troubling possibility.
Shedding. A bit of shedding is normal. A lot of shedding isn't. Most instances of shedding are due to a poor diet or the animal isn't getting enough sun. Sometimes it's a genetic trait. But it's also a sign of increased stress levels. Remember your teacher complaining that the trouble you made could cause them to grow bald. Well stress does this to all animals.
Lethargy. If your pet doesn't want to do anything, then something is wrong. Pets are active creatures. If they're not, then they could be depressed, unhealthy, unhappy or completely stressed out.
Aggression. Most pets are not aggressive to their owners. If they are, they are usually sick or injured. They simply don't want to deal with an owner that's pushing them to play when they can't. However, this aggression also points to stress as a reason.
No appetite. Pets that are not in prime condition will not eat much. This usually means they are sick or stressed.
Lacking interest. Is your pet just sitting there when something that made him jump up and down appeared? This is troubling for any pet owner. If he's not actually sick then stress may have gotten hold.
Passivity. Stress can make animals not just care about anything.
Negativity. Stressed pets will send out negativity in droves. It can lead to a display of bad behavior like barking constantly or chewing anything.
Changed potty habits. You could have the most well trained pet in existence. But once stress hits, it could turn them into careless, uncaring animals who does his 'business' in the wrong place. Stress or depressed animals do this.
Sounds. If your animal is making a sound then that could be a sign of stress. Dogs will bark and cats will purr. Listen to your pets and hear what they have to communicate.
Body language. If your pets suddenly change their body language then stress could be heavily affecting them. Humans slouch when stress hits and this behavior has counterparts in the animal kingdom.


If you are a beginner in animal husbandry

Follow the tips below to be sure you won't have problems with your pet:
  • If you go to a party do not impose the host to accept you to go with your pet. The presence of a pet may annoy, no matter how calm and docile he is.
  • Your cats will not sharpen the claw in furniture and carpets if you give them a piece of worn carpet.
  • Never leave your pet in the care of someone without giving them his "personal items" like basket, pillow, favorite toy and litter, because this is the only way he will feel more protected and nearer to home, at least by the smell.
  • Want to keep away certain things from house cats' sharp claws? Powder them with a little pepper.
  • If cats do not want to swallow pills or take drugs from infestations, use to the following trick: dissolve the pills in a little warm broth, then dip in this broth the front paws. Instinctively, the cat will wash the paws. Repeat this process until the last drop of medicine is gone.
  • Curtains will also be better protected if to the wash water you will add three teaspoons of white pepper, ground very well.
  • The dog will have a brighter coat, if once a week you stir a spoon of olive oil in his food.
  • Fleas will not invade your animal fur after you put in his sleeping baskets a cotton swabs soaked with lavender or lavender oil.
  • Animal hair, left on the carpets and clothes, is very easy to remove with a plastic sponge, soaked in water and squeezed.
  • Dogs and cats can not stand the smell of ammonia. So put a few drops on cotton in the places you want to stay away from their urine.
  • A cat should never eat onions or garlic, tomatoes, potatoes, chocolate, grapes and raisins.
Another thing you should beware is that relationship between cats and dogs is based more on cat behavior that depends on past experience gained at a young age towards other animals. But also the enmity between the cat and dog owes due to the dog's hunting instincts. However if the kitten grows with puppies they get used to playing together and can live in a house.


If you're looking for a cheap rabbit hutch


If you're looking for a cheap rabbit hutch you have to know where you can save and where you can't. After all, this is going to be your pet's home so it has to have certain basic things right for your pet to be able to live in it comfortably.
Let's see what your rabbit hutch must be like:
1. It needs to be spacious enough for your rabbit to have room to run around, exercise, move about, and sleep in comfortably. The easiest way to save on a hutch is to buy a small one. This may not give your pet what it needs to have a good and full life.
2. If you plan on putting your rabbit outdoors, your hutch must provide safety from predators and bad weather conditions. It can be an open cage. it has to be able to block out the rain and heavy wind.
3. You should make sure that your hutch is easy to clean with a removable tray for your pet's waste. This is something that will make it easier for you to keep your hutch clean and a healthy environment for your pet.
How can you find a Cheap rabbit hutch that still meets all the basic requirements?
1. Shop online as there are plenty of choices that you can find there. The variety of available hutches on sale online will help you find one which is right for you.
2. If you want an indoor rabbit hutch, you may be able to make do with a wire one instead of a wooden one. The former kind tend to be cheaper.
3. You should give your rabbit enough space but you shouldn't over do it. Some hutches are made for multiple pets. If you only plan on having one then a smaller one may be right for you. However, make sure this is still big enough for your pet.
To find the best hutch for you visit this page: Cheap Rabbit Hutches


what makes for good cat nutrition

Our feline companies are carnivores and as such their digestive systems are adjusted for high protein diets and not suited to treats fit for human consumption.
Digestion is a mechanism designed to break down food that supplies your cat with the essential nutrients and subsequent energy to live a healthy, energy-filled life. As a cat's digestive system is developed for a high protein diet it has powerful gastric juices that assist in breaking down bones and meat. Their digestive systems do not have the necessary enzymes for a diet rich in plant matter or carbohydrates.
As a responsible cat owner, it is important to understand what makes for good cat nutrition and what cat treats should be avoided. The following 'foods' and 'treats' are not recommended for cats:
1.     Canned Human Tuna - Canned tuna is not harmful provided it is an occasional treat and does not constitute your cat's main diet. Tuna is high in mercury and may result in mercury poisoning. Canned tuna also has a high sodium (salt) content and it not nutritionally balanced.    
2.       Dog Food - Dog food does not contain sufficient proteins and taurine, which is an essential amino acid that cats produce in insufficient amounts. Dog food is not nutritionally balanced for cats. Similarly, dogs should not be fed cat food.
3.      Grapes and raisins - Whilst the experts have not established what component contained in grapes and raisins causes renal (kidney) damage, cat's that have ingested them have reportedly suffered renal failure.  
4.        Tomatoes - Unripe or green tomatoes contain solanine, a toxin harmful to cats. Ingestion of tomatoes can cause diarrhea and vomiting.
5.    Garlic and Onion - Whilst a single feeding of food containing onions and garlic is not likely to make your cat ill, longterm, the sulfoxides and disulfides contained in these bulbs damages red blood cells which contain hemoglobin that is the oxygen carrying component of red blood cells. Reduced oxygen supply to the cat's organs can cause severe health problems and in severe cases - death    
6.        Chocolate - This sweet treat is a no-no for cats and dogs. Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound that cats cannot metabolize. Apart from nausea and vomiting, chocolate stimulates the central nervous system, increases the heart rate and may cause seizures and death. The more pure the chocolate the more dangerous it is.
7.    Caffeine - tea and coffee contains caffeine and caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant and not recommended for cats.     
8.        Dairy Products - Whilst there is much debate on the subject of cow's milk for cats, the fact is that cats do not have the right enzymes to breakdown dairy products made from cow's milk (ice cream, cheese). They may suffer from gastrointestinal problems as a result of a lactose intolerance. The question of growth hormone in cow's milk is also a matter of separate debate.
9.        Alcohol - save the Budweiser and Johnnie Walker for human consumption.
Finally, it's advisable to feed your cat a veterinary approved commercial cat food. If you are trained in the field of animal nutrition, organic cat foods or even homemade foods are perfect alternatives, provided they are nutritionally balanced. Give your cat occasional treats - but cat treats designed for cats.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lyn_Nunn


10 Tips on Coping with Pet Loss

Anyone who considers a pet a beloved friend, companion, or family member knows the intense pain that accompanies the loss of that friend. Following are some tips on coping with that grief, and with the difficult decisions one faces upon the loss of a pet.

1. Am I crazy to hurt so much?

Intense grief over the loss of a pet is normal and natural. Don't let anyone tell you that it's silly, crazy, or overly sentimental to grieve!
During the years you spent with your pet (even if they were few), it became a significant and constant part of your life. It was a source of comfort and companionship, of unconditional love and acceptance, of fun and joy. So don't be surprised if you feel devastated by the loss of such a relationship.
People who don't understand the pet/owner bond may not understand your pain. All that matters, however, is how you feel. Don't let others dictate your feelings: They are valid, and may be extremely painful. But remember, you are not alone: Thousands of pet owners have gone through the same feelings.

2. What Can I Expect to Feel?

Different people experience grief in different ways. Besides your sorrow and loss, you may also experience the following emotions:
Guilt may occur if you feel responsible for your pet's death-the "if only I had been more careful" syndrome. It is pointless and often erroneous to burden yourself with guilt for the accident or illness that claimed your pet's life, and only makes it more difficult to resolve your grief.
Denial makes it difficult to accept that your pet is really gone. It's hard to imagine that your pet won't greet you when you come home, or that it doesn't need its evening meal. Some pet owners carry this to extremes, and fear their pet is still alive and suffering somewhere. Others find it hard to get a new pet for fear of being "disloyal" to the old.
Anger may be directed at the illness that killed your pet, the driver of the speeding car, the veterinarian who "failed" to save its life. Sometimes it is justified, but when carried to extremes, it distracts you from the important task of resolving your grief.
Depression is a natural consequence of grief, but can leave you powerless to cope with your feelings. Extreme depression robs you of motivation and energy, causing you to dwell upon your sorrow.

3. What can I do about my feelings?

The most important step you can take is to be honest about your feelings. Don't deny your pain, or your feelings of anger and guilt. Only by examining and coming to terms with your feelings can you begin to work through them.
You have a right to feel pain and grief! Someone you loved has died, and you feel alone and bereaved. You have a right to feel anger and guilt, as well. Acknowledge your feelings first, then ask yourself whether the circumstances actually justify them.
Locking away grief doesn't make it go away. Express it. Cry, scream, pound the floor, talk it out. Do what helps you the most. Don't try to avoid grief by not thinking about your pet; instead, reminisce about the good times. This will help you understand what your pet's loss actually means to you.
Some find it helpful to express their feelings and memories in poems, stories, or letters to the pet. Other strategies including rearranging your schedule to fill in the times you would have spent with your pet; preparing a memorial such as a photo collage; and talking to others about your loss.

4. Who can I talk to?

If your family or friends love pets, they'll understand what you're going through. Don't hide your feelings in a misguided effort to appear strong and calm! Working through your feelings with another person is one of the best ways to put them in perspective and find ways to handle them. Find someone you can talk to about how much the pet meant to you and how much you miss it-someone you feel comfortable crying and grieving with.
If you don't have family or friends who understand, or if you need more help, ask your veterinarian or humane association to recommend a pet loss counselor or support group. Check with your church or hospital for grief counseling. Remember, your grief is genuine and deserving of support.

5. When is the right time to euthanize a pet?

Your veterinarian is the best judge of your pet's physical condition; however, you are the best judge of the quality of your pet's daily life. If a pet has a good appetite, responds to attention, seeks its owner's company, and participates in play or family life, many owners feel that this is not the time. However, if a pet is in constant pain, undergoing difficult and stressful treatments that aren't helping greatly, unresponsive to affection, unaware of its surroundings, and uninterested in life, a caring pet owner will probably choose to end the beloved companion's suffering.
Evaluate your pet's health honestly and unselfishly with your veterinarian. Prolonging a pet's suffering in order to prevent your own ultimately helps neither of you. Nothing can make this decision an easy or painless one, but it is truly the final act of love that you can make for your pet.

6. Should I stay during euthanasia?

Many feel this is the ultimate gesture of love and comfort you can offer your pet. Some feel relief and comfort themselves by staying: They were able to see that their pet passed peacefully and without pain, and that it was truly gone. For many, not witnessing the death (and not seeing the body) makes it more difficult to accept that the pet is really gone. However, this can be traumatic, and you must ask yourself honestly whether you will be able to handle it. Uncontrolled emotions and tears-though natural-are likely to upset your pet.
Some clinics are more open than others to allowing the owner to stay during euthanasia. Some veterinarians are also willing to euthanize a pet at home. Others have come to an owner's car to administer the injection. Again, consider what will be least traumatic for you and your pet, and discuss your desires and concerns with your veterinarian. If your clinic is not able to accommodate your wishes, request a referral.

7. What do I do next?

When a pet dies, you must choose how to handle its remains. Sometimes, in the midst of grief, it may seem easiest to leave the pet at the clinic for disposal. Check with your clinic to find out whether there is a fee for such disposal. Some shelters also accept such remains, though many charge a fee for disposal.
If you prefer a more formal option, several are available. Home burial is a popular choice, if you have sufficient property for it. It is economical and enables you to design your own funeral ceremony at little cost. However, city regulations usually prohibit pet burials, and this is not a good choice for renters or people who move frequently.
To many, a pet cemetery provides a sense of dignity, security, and permanence. Owners appreciate the serene surroundings and care of the gravesite. Cemetery costs vary depending on the services you select, as well as upon the type of pet you have. Cremation is a less expensive option that allows you to handle your pet's remains in a variety of ways: bury them (even in the city), scatter them in a favorite location, place them in a columbarium, or even keep them with you in a decorative urn (of which a wide variety are available).
Check with your veterinarian, pet shop, or phone directory for options available in your area. Consider your living situation, personal and religious values, finances, and future plans when making your decision. It's also wise to make such plans in advance, rather than hurriedly in the midst of grief.

8. What should I tell my children?

You are the best judge of how much information your children can handle about death and the loss of their pet. Don't underestimate them, however. You may find that, by being honest with them about your pet's loss, you may be able to address some fears and misperceptions they have about death.
Honesty is important. If you say the pet was "put to sleep," make sure your children understand the difference between death and ordinary sleep. Never say the pet "went away," or your child may wonder what he or she did to make it leave, and wait in anguish for its return. That also makes it harder for a child to accept a new pet. Make it clear that the pet will not come back, but that it is happy and free of pain.
Never assume a child is too young or too old to grieve. Never criticize a child for tears, or tell them to "be strong" or not to feel sad. Be honest about your own sorrow; don't try to hide it, or children may feel required to hide their grief as well. Discuss the issue with the entire family, and give everyone a chance to work through their grief at their own pace.

9. Will my other pets grieve?

Pets observe every change in a household, and are bound to notice the absence of a companion. Pets often form strong attachments to one another, and the survivor of such a pair may seem to grieve for its companion. Cats grieve for dogs, and dogs for cats.
You may need to give your surviving pets a lot of extra attention and love to help them through this period. Remember that, if you are going to introduce a new pet, your surviving pets may not accept the newcomer right away, but new bonds will grow in time. Meanwhile, the love of your surviving pets can be wonderfully healing for your own grief.

10. Should I get a new pet right away?

Generally, the answer is no. One needs time to work through grief and loss before attempting to build a relationship with a new pet. If your emotions are still in turmoil, you may resent a new pet for trying to "take the place" of the old-for what you really want is your old pet back. Children in particular may feel that loving a new pet is "disloyal" to the previous pet.
When you do get a new pet, avoid getting a "lookalike" pet, which makes comparisons all the more likely. Don't expect your new pet to be "just like" the one you lost, but allow it to develop its own personality. Never give a new pet the same name or nickname as the old. Avoid the temptation to compare the new pet to the old one: It can be hard to remember that your beloved companion also caused a few problems when it was young!
A new pet should be acquired because you are ready to move forward and build a new relationship-rather than looking backward and mourning your loss. When you are ready, select an animal with whom you can build another long, loving relationship-because this is what having a pet is all about!
 Article source:http://www.pet-loss.net/


Chihuahua Loves His Teddy Bear

Tommy the Chihuahua wearing his jammies and snuggling in his new bed with his favorite teddy.

Available at : youtube.com/tommyandgracie


Top Ways to Keep Your Pet Entertained

People often believe that if their pet has lots of love, water, food and proper medical care then they are set for life. Two items we often forget about are:
1- Giving them adequate physical exercise.
2- Plenty of mental challenges to stimulate their brains.
These two factors can increase their quality of life by leaps and bounds. ASPCA Animal Trainer, Kristen Collins, touts that "Pets need jobs." Both dogs and cats have a need to be engaged and stay busy. Keep in mind that animals were created to take care of themselves by foraging or hunting for food and shelter. Although our pets have been domesticated, their energy levels and natural instincts still exist. More often than not our pets are bored and spend the day laying around waiting for us to return home from work. This is why animals get into mischief while we are away. They need simulation to deal with the overwhelming restless feeling. Much like children, dogs and cats that are left to their own devices must find new ways to entertain themselves. When you find your cat or dog gnawing or scratching on furniture or shoes, eating houseplants, tipping over the garbage can or spending excessive amounts of time barking or meowing, then it is time to take action. Several different workouts are recommended:
For Cats:
  • Toys and Games -- Your kitty also needs plenty of exercise. This can involve playing games or playing with toys. Great games include fetch with small balls or furry toys or even a game of chase.
  • Activities -- Activities for your cat to do when they are home alone can consist of bird watching, watching cat videos and spending time playing in a secure outdoor area, or playing in boxes or paper bags.
  • Training / Tricks -- Cats are amazingly intelligent creatures. Teach your pet new tricks such as rolling over, sitting up, or coming when you call them. Some cats can even be trained to use the toilet. A few tips to teaching your cat tricks include using treats or a clicker:
  • Treats -- The treat method includes getting your cat's attention with the treat. Allow them to smell and see the treat. Don't raise the treat up too high causing them to stand on their hind legs (unless, of course, you are teaching them to stand). Once your cat sits or stands, depending upon your desired response, praise your kitty and give him the treat. Repeat this as necessary; do not hand over the treat until your cat has performed the desired outcome.
  • Clicker -- A clicker can actually make training happen faster. You don't have to purchase a clicker for this specific purpose. Simply find a pen that makes a loud clicking noise or even a clicky cap off of an iced tea bottle. When your cat performs the desired behavior, click your pen then offer your pet a treat. The cat will soon understand that the click means he did it right.
For Dogs:
  • Get moving -- Healthy dogs need a minimum of one hour of aerobic exercise per day. Kristen recommends breaking this into 2 separate 30 minute sessions. Great ways to burn off that energy are jogging, playing at the dog park and swimming.
  • Games -- Combine exercise with a lesson by involving your pet in structured games. These can be games such as tug-of war or fetch. These types of games teach your dog about impulse control and create a closer relationship between the two of you. Great items for the game of fetch include items such as an Air KONG squeaker tennis ball, a plain tennis ball, flexible Frisbee for dogs, Flying Squirrel fetch toy, or maybe just a good old fashioned stick.
  • Toys -- If your dog is home alone, keep him occupied with chew toys or the Kong, which is a puzzle-toy stuffed with food.
Animals learn through repetition so you will need to practice over and over. Repeat the process several times in a row but in short periods of time. These can be spread out in five to ten minute increments throughout the day. When it comes down to proper exercise for your pet, it's all up to you. Giving your cat or dog exercises for their body and mind will help create a happier, healthier pet. This will also create a lasting bond between you and your animal. 


Agreeable Home For Your Pets

Most pets are content to have a warm place to sleep and regular meals, but there are ways you can make your space even healthier and more agreeable for the furry members of your family.
Make sure you provide your pets with a healthy environment. Pets may be more sensitive to issues than humans, so if you have pest difficulties, be sure to call on reliable exterminators. Orkin and other options will allow you to create a bug-free space your pet will love.
Be sure your pet is healthy. To conserve your home healthy, everyone in it must be free of disease and illness. Have your pets checked on the annual basis and be sure they are up to date with shots and medications. A healthy pet is more than likely a happy pet.
Be sure your pet has access to plenty of fresh air. Dogs will need habitual walks or a yard in which to run around. Cats may enjoy paying outside, but many families prefer to keep their feline indoors, but they should still have the benefit of an occasional open window to celebrate the fresh outside air.
Give your pet plenty of space in which to exercise. If you keep your pet indoors, you can encourage them to run and play in staircases and wide open spaces. If you have an outside space, fence the area in so you can just let the pet run loose and enjoy the open area. Something that you can do that is great for you and your pet is to play with them outside for a half of an hour every day.
For an even better time, involve your kids and start a game of soccer or basketball. Everybody will get some exercise, just by simply taking attention of the dog.
Finally, arrange a private dining space for your pet. Feed them in this area consistently so they understand this is where they eat. This helps cut down on mess and it settles the pet when they know just where to go for their food. If you leave your pet outdoors for a few hours at a time, be sure to supply them with food and water they can easily access.


Choose a good Pet Pens

Considering that some products into the market are second-rate, you can still pick a few that are useful. There are indicators that a particular product is favorable than the other one. Those that you think have met your needs and look good as well.
Here are three points to consider when buying pet pens:
First, the size of the pen is also very serious to consider. You have to make sure that your pet is comfortable in it. There must be enough space for your pet to play or rest comfortably.
Second, affordability is the first thing that comes into your mind when buying something. Yet, always remember low price must not compromise quality. Choose products that are very functional and durable yet affordable. If you are buying via internet, free shipping offer can also help you save time and money.
Finally, check whether the pen is made of materials that can withstand even in outdoor conditions. There are materials that are really tough and sturdy yet does not add weight to the pen. Check for products made of soft side fabric, steel wire, plastic and wood.
You need a pet pen to confine your beloved pet when necessary or when there are guests around. Pets can easily get into something and chew on it. Most pets are very amusing that they run around and may bump and destroy some valuable things at home. With pens your pets will be kept safe and can still have fun inside it.
Be sure to choose an excellent product with great features.


Taking Care Of Your Dogs Teeth

One of the most serious aspects of accomplished dog teeth cleaning understands the consequence of being patient. Regardless of the products used, either gels or sprays for cleaning dogs teeth, there will be a significant training process involved before a regular and thorough cleaning of the canine teeth can be achieved.
Dog owners must detect they can take several days of his several weeks of training their canine to accept the tooth brushing without stress or resistance. If it is firstly approached wrongly or too aggressively than all future attempts at brushing a canine Steve will be futile.
When first beginning the process, it's important to remember the dog must connect the process was something pleasurable. Just get them used to seeing and smelling the brush and spray and gel.
Depending on the dog's temperament, this process may take several days. When beginning attempting to place the brush inside the dog's mouth, first place something pleasurable on the brush. Currently it's also advisable to place a small amount of the dog toothpaste on the brush also.
Keep the session short and repeat them often for several days up to several weeks depending on the personality of your dog. The timestamp with the brush inside the dog's mouth can be extended over time as it is noticed the dog is excepting the process without stress or anxiety.
If done properly, it's possible for the dog to not only allow his teeth to be brushed, but he will be excited and celebrate the experience.
Remember that dog teeth cleaning sprays are only used for those dogs that completely refuse access to their mouths with a toothbrush. Additionally, even the spray can be a difficulty as some dogs do not appreciate the sound of the "hiss" the spray makes when it is applied. Train your dog to accept toothpaste on the brush when cleaning his or her teeth.
Put the easier it is to clean your dogs the better job you will do. Most dog owners find that three or four excellent cleanings per week are all that is required to keep the tartar removed from their canines teeth. With this maintenance schedule it's conceivable to prevent ever requiring a trip to the veterinarian's office for the old-style and dangerous teeth scaling procedures.
This will be characteristically considerable as your dog ages since older canines are more vulnerable to side effects resulting from the anesthetics used by the vets.

Learn more about how to clean dog's teeth


Great Dwarf Hamster Toys

If there is one thing that your dwarf hamster is going to celebrate, it's the fact that it has plenty of stimulation whenever it's in its cage.
That is why many hamster owners make sure that they have the right dwarf hamster toys in order to keep their little friends as happy and active as possible.
There are plenty of options that are available whenever you are choosing a toy and it is very achievable for you to make some hamster toys as well. One of the most common dwarf hamster toys that you're going to find is a plastic ball which allows your hamster to get around without getting lost or getting stepped on.
This is what is commonly known as a hamster in ball toy, and it can be a big way for you to allow your dwarf hamster to have a bit more freedom, while at the same time also being able to admire them out and about.
You absolutely want to make sure that any hamster in ball toy that you purchased was as secure as possible. The last thing that you would want to have happen is for your hamster to end up springing free while it is running around the room somewhere and only the cat knows where it's at.
Another thing that is very enjoyable when it comes to dwarf hamster toys is the exercise wheel. Having a hamster wheel toy can aid your hamster in running for a mile or two every day, and you will probably be surprised by how often your dwarf will use it.
One suggestion that I would choose to give to you is that if you have the hamster cage in your bedroom, it would be a admirable belief for you to get a hamster wheel toy that was as silent as possible.
Many people purchase dwarf hamster toys, but it is also possible for you to make some that
s/he will enjoy as well. These can be as simple as a little cardboard box, or perhaps an empty toilet paper roll.
You can use a toilet paper roll to train your dwarf hamster to eat out of your hand. Just put some hamster treats in your hand put the tube where the little one can climb into it and when he comes out the other side, presto your best friends.
I would enjoy to end on one of the dwarf hamster toys that I enjoy using for my cute little hamster.
I take a paper towel tube and fill it up with a little bit of hamster food. It is fun to observe the hamster enjoy trying to get to the food and chewing its way into the tube... 


Restore pet mobility

This article reviews a device invented to restore pet mobility. Dogs admire to stay mobile at all times, walking around and using their sense of smell. If pet mobility is hindered, your pet cannot live a pleasant life.
The traditional solution to restore your pet's mobility when it is handicapped is to take it to a vet and get some medication. If this solution does not yield results, you should think of an alternative to relieve its distress by making available some means for it to move around. Today, different devices are available that enable free movement of your pets in spite of their disabilities. There are dog wheelchairs for your paralyzed dogs. This apparatus allows your dog to freely move around without any hassle. This may also motivate it to exercise its bones and muscles so that it hastens the process of healing and restoring healthy limbs.
Dog wheelchairs are available on the web and at veterinary clinics. These carts enable dogs to remain in their natural position in spite of their disabilities. Cart wheelchairs come in various types. For dogs that are paralyzed in their back legs and cannot make much use of them, a rear wheel cart will help overcome this problem. For a dog which does not have front limbs or has injured its front limbs, a front wheel cart will come to the rescue. Where all four limbs have been paralyzed or the entire body is paralyzed, a four wheel quad cart can help the pet to conquer its disability.
However, your pet may take time to get used to its wheelchair or cart. Initially, it may feel awkward. You must keep coaxing it to walk around with its new-found support with treats and positive reinforcement. Eventually, your pet will start walking happily again. Some amount of patience and time is required before your pet is ready to use the wheeled support.
Pet owners can immediacy stop worrying about their pet's disabilities. These days a number of stores cater to dogs and aid pet mobility by offering a wide range of products from wheelchairs to carts to rear harnesses to dog collars.
Pet mobility products like harnesses and wheelchairs can restore your pet's action and enable it to live a normal and healthy life in spite of its disabilities.
For more information about pet mobility: http://handicappedpets.com/www/index.php/dog-wheelchair-carts.html

Dogs Can Fly !!

You may have seen a bird fly, but you aint seen a dog fly have you?
Do you remember that old celebrated song? If dogs have dream, they would enjoy to fly in air. Free and happy time for your dog is very serious.
We can just be happy, and fly!