
Kidney Infection in Cats


Detect kidney infection in cats early could conserve your pets life and spare you a great deal of anxiety and expense as well.
Kidney infection in cats is frequently bacterial in nature, and often creates when the bacteria gains access to the urinary tract through the urethra, moves to the bladder, and then on to the kidneys. By the time the bacteria makes its way to the kidneys it has fully engulfed the entire urinary tract leading to symptoms including inappropriate urination, more frequent urination, smelly urine, blood in the urine, pain during urination, sensitivity to touch in the area of the kidneys, and possibly, when stones are involved, a complete shutdown of the urinary process. While the other symptoms are signs of a serious but not dire problem, the last symptom of kidney infection in cats is very, very, important requiring immediate medical care from a trained veterinarian doctor. If total blockage is occurring or has occurred, death is likely in less than 48 hours and possibly 24 hours. If the blockage isn't corrected and the bladder drained, allowing the kidneys to free themselves of the toxic soup of bacteria and waste, death will occur.
On the other hand, while the best course of action is still a veterinary visit to both confirm the condition and prescribe the proper antibiotic there may be substantial costs involved, especially if your pets must take up residence in one of those tiny cages at the clinic. For some the cost as well as the stress placed on older animals simply outweighs the benefits.
My personal preference is never to leave my animals overnight. I have lost two cats over the years both at the veterinary clinic and both with overnight stays. If I had it to do over again would I have done it differently; absolutely. Nevertheless, no one will argue with the fact that cats are sensitive to their surroundings and stress places a great deal of added pressure both on their immune system and their will to live.
Kidney infection in cats is a serious concern and often times the veterinary visit is a necessity rather than a choice. If this is the case make sure you take their favorite toys, blanket, or even a picture of you to place in the cage. Your vet will understand and maybe even encourage you to do this.
Many pet owners have discovered accomplishment with home remedies for mild to moderate kidney infection in cats without obstruction. One of the most effective home remedies is a combination of homeopathic natural remedies  containing the herb uva ursi, combined with increased fluid intake.

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