


Discus fish are very intelligent fish

discus fish Discus fish are very intelligent fish and have very distinct personalities, and the discus fish seems to normally recognize its caretaker and will respond with a display of affection when you enter the room. You can even feed a discus fish right out of your hand! In this article I will be going through a few things to consider when caring...

why having a pet is good for your health ?

Most pet proprietors are clear about the current pleasures that come with participating their exists with pets. It’s only recently that studies have begun to scientifically explore the advantages of the human-animal bond. analyzes have detected that: Playing with a pet can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax. Pet owners are less likely to...


Discus fish like clean water and a quality diet

Discus fish Plants utilized in the discus aquarium should be completely washed with a harmless aquarium plant disinfectant. Snails can rapidly over run an aquarium and snail excluding chemicals are harsh on discus. A decline in water quality will lead to stress in discus fish. Clean water, at the correct temperature is considerable. Clean water should have zero ammonia...

Why You Should Adopt a Pet ?

Adopt a Pet Adding pets at home has several benefits and if you're among those who has always wanted to keep a pet. Here are four reasons why It's good to adopt a pet . The first reason: You'll feel better  Pets have a way of fixing a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Not only do animals give you unconditional feeling, but they have...



discus fish It is considerable to add discus fish to the aquarium briefly upon completion of the nitrogen cycle in the filter. The authority of thumb for stocking density is to allow at least five gallons per discus fish. If the filter is cycled and discus fish will not be increased for awhile, it is considerable...

You Should Ask Yourself Before You Get a Pet

keeping a pet is helpful and sympathetic only for those who care and enjoy domestic animals. If you’re directly not a “pet person,” pet ownership is not going to provide you with any corrective benefits or improve your life. For other public, possessing a pet may easily not be practical. Some of the drawbacks are: Pets require time and attention As any dog owner will...


why you should have a pet in your life ?

In this post I want to tell you why I think almost every household should have some kind of pet. The first reason: Safety Having a dog at home is especially good because they also double up as caretakers. No burglar alarm can be better than a dog at home! The second reason; Pets can enhance your mood Whether you believe it or not, pets are a great...


Finding the right tropical fish tank setup

Smaller tanks are ideal for fish such as goldfish, mollies, betas, or neons. These fish are usually easy to care for, but require a good bit of maintenance due to the fact that they produce large amounts of waste. Goldfish are the most difficult to keep clean, as they produce more waste than any other fish. You will have an easier time feeding fish in small...


Knowing how to care for discus fish

Discus fish really are beautiful and they will make your days wonderful.Many owners would like to understand how to care for discus fish, how to prolong their life and how to create the connection. Follow these 10 simple steps and you will raise your discus fish into beautiful 1. Check the quality of water. Do not just use...


For pet lovers : tips for Pets in Pain

For pet lovers the thought of your pet being in pain is very upsetting. In the past, veterinarians were trained to not give much worry to the physical pain pets can suffer. In a Fox New report Dr. Dawn Boothe, DVM and professor of clinical pharmacology at Auburn University stated: "Twenty years ago, veterinary schools taught that animals don't feel pain to the degree...


Cat Food Ingredients

Few people really know what the common cat food ingredients are, in the majority of commercial cat food. Most people are comforted by the pretty pictures on the packet or can, and believe or assume that the manufacturer have the health of their furry friend at heart. After all, there are plenty of veterinary endorsements. Sadly, nothing could be further from the...


Bad cats - good pictures

 If a cat does something, we call it instinct; if we do the same thing, for the same reason, we call it intelligence. - Will Cuppy - Funny cat thieves There's no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat. - Wesley Bates The trouble with cats is that they've got no tact. - P. G. Wodehouse  Cats' hearing apparatus is built to allow the human...


The discus is a social fish

The discus lives in large groups in their native waters, and has a very advanced social behaviour; they are one of the few real schooling cichlids. Remember to keep this in mind when starting care for discus; always purchase a group of animals. They need the social interaction to develop their character to its best potential. Currently, it is becoming increasingly...


Pets have wide range of healthy benefits

There are several benefits associated with the keeping of pets. Studies conducted by psychologists from Miami and Saint Louis universities have shown that pets have wide range of healthy benefits to most ordinary people. Studies have shown that people who own pets were better adapted to changes in the social and economic spheres than those who without pets. It...


Discus fish : Water

Water Preparation If after testing your water you are happy that it fits the water chemistry required to keep Discus Fish you can do a couple of things. You can simply add a treatment like Tetra Aqua Safe which will take out chlorine, chloride and some metals. You can also use a heavy metal filter which will take out all heavy metals and make the water perfect. Or you...


Discus Fish Photo Gallery

   Daddy defending his young Mommy with young  Baby Discus after being fed brine shrimp  Powder Blues  New Strain - Red Centurion (based on pattern on gill plates)  Pigeon Blood - Reds  Pigeon Blood - Reds  Discus in pairing out tanks - Turquoise Greens Discus in pairing...

Sinking Fish Food for Discus

 There are different types of discus fish foods, which mainly contains three categories: frozen food ,dry food and live discus food. These can be further classified as slow sinking food ,sinking food and floating fish food. Since discus, fish are mostly mid water feeders slow sinking fish food for discus is most preferred. Different types of sinking fish food...


Information about better air quality for pet allergies

Pets, particularly cats and dogs, produce many allergens which for most people have little no effect on their health. But for some, it can be very distressing and can cause severe respiratory problems, skin rashes and other medical conditions. Interestingly a recent survey has found that despite being allergic to pets, one-third of people that suffer from pet allergies...