









Discus fish are very intelligent fish

discus fish
discus fish

Discus fish are very intelligent fish and have very distinct personalities, and the discus fish seems to normally recognize its caretaker and will respond with a display of affection when you enter the room. You can even feed a discus fish right out of your hand! In this article I will be going through a few things to consider when caring for your own discus fish, and also some things you can expect out of your new pet.
The first thing you need to do when starting up your own discus fish tank is to pick out an appropriate aquarium for them. It is always a good idea to purchase the biggest aquarium you can afford.
Having a larger aquarium will allow you to have a bit more leeway when it comes to environmental conditions. A larger aquarium will generally tend to be a bit more stable then the smaller ones. After you get your aquarium you will need to pick out the appropriate filters and equipment for your setup. Make sure to check for your discus fish's specific requirements and adjust accordingly for your aquarium.
Discus fish are a bit harder to care for then other species of freshwater fish, and are not typically recommend for the beginning aquarium enthusiast. Discus fish tend to be more of a schooling fish and do best when kept in an aquarium with plenty of same species companions. Also you should provide plenty of cover in the form of driftwood and rocks for your discus fish.
Discus fish also require water temperatures to be around 84 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit for best results. For feeding, you should feed your discus fish a steady diet of frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and typical sinking pellets. When your discus fish are young, you should feed them at least 3 times a day. As your fish get older you can cut back feeding to once a day. Avoid overfeeding your discus fish as it can cause them to be obese and pose health problems.
Once you get the hang of your discus fish, you can start to breed them. Discus fish are very loving parents, with both of the parents playing an active role in their fry's life. It is truly a sight to behold, seeing your discus fish swimming around with their very own offspring and I highly recommend you try and breed your discus fish when you are comfortable in your ability to provide adequate care for them.
I hope you have found this article helpful in considering owning and taking care of your very own discus fish. There are many more in-depth guides around the web that can go more into detail about the various aspects of providing care. I have just tried to give you a brief overview of a couple things to consider. As always, if you are still stuck up on some unanswered questions about discus fish, you can always contact a friendly sales representative to answer any questions you may have.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jake_Wilson

why having a pet is good for your health ?

pet is good

Most pet proprietors are clear about the current pleasures that come with participating their exists with pets. It’s only recently that studies have begun to scientifically explore the advantages of the human-animal bond. analyzes have detected that:
Playing with a pet can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax.
Pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets.
Pet owners have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels (indicators of heart disease) than those without pets.
People with pets have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than those without pets.
A pet doesn’t have to be a cat or a dog . Even watching fish in an aquarium can help reduce muscle tension and pulse rate.
Pet owners over age 65 make 30 percent fewer visits to their doctors than those without pets.
Heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without.
Holding, stroking,  cuddling, or otherwise touching a admiring animal can quickly calm and soothe us when we’re stressed. The companionship of a pet can also facilitate loneliness, and some pets are a great stimulus for healthy activity, which can substantially augment mood.


Discus fish like clean water and a quality diet

Discus fish
Discus fish

Plants utilized in the discus aquarium should be completely washed with a harmless aquarium plant disinfectant.
Snails can rapidly over run an aquarium and snail excluding chemicals are harsh on discus. A decline in water quality will lead to stress in discus fish. Clean water, at the correct temperature is considerable.
Clean water should have zero ammonia and nitrite levels. Elevated nitrate levels indicate a need for water changes. Overfeeding can increase nitrate levels. High nitrate levels inhibit growth and color development in discus.
New discus fish arrivals may have scratches or torn fins. Adding non iodized salt at a rate of one tablespoon per 20 gallons will promote rapid healing. Salt has many uses at various doses. The salt should not remain in the aquarium over an extended period. contrary mollies or goldfish, discus do not require or admire water containing salt.
New discus arrivals that were shipped have spent several hours in a dark box. Avoid opening the box under bright lights. Discus eyes are designed for vision in murky waters and bright lights can irritate them. Opening a dark box in bright lights will irritate their eyes and in an effort to escape the light the discus may lie down. I recommend leaving the aquarium lights off for four or five hours after introducing new discus to the aquarium This allows time for the discus to adjust their eyes.

Why You Should Adopt a Pet ?

Adopt a Pet
Adopt a Pet

Adding pets at home has several benefits and if you're among those who has always wanted to keep a pet. Here are four reasons why It's good to adopt a pet .
The first reason: You'll feel better 
Pets have a way of fixing a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Not only do animals give you unconditional feeling, but they have been shown to be psychologically, emotionally, and physically beneficial. Caring for a companion animal can assign a sense of purpose and fulfillment and lessen affections of loneliness and isolation in all age groups.
Pets can help your physical energy as well—just expending time with an animal can help lower a person's blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and dog walking, pet grooming, and even petting provide added physical activity that can help strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, and slow the loss of bone tissue. Put simply, pets aren't just admirable friends, they're also excellent medicine and can improve a person's well-being in frequent ways.

The second reason:You'll save a life 

Sadly, between three and four million cats and dogs are euthanized each year in the United States simply because too many people give up their pets and too few people adopt from shelters. Because there is limited space at shelters, staff members sometimes need to make very hard decisions to euthanize animals who haven't been adopted.
The number of euthanized animals could be reduced dramatically if more people adopted pets instead of buying them. By adopting from a private humane society or animal shelter, breed rescue group, or the local animal control agency,
you'll help save the lives of two animals—the pet you adopt and a homeless animal somewhere who can be rescued because of space you helped free up.

The third reason: You'll get a healthy pet 

Animal shelters are brimming with happy, healthy animals just waiting for someone to take them home. Most shelters examine and give vaccinations to animals when they arrive, and many spay or neuter them before being adopted.
In addition to medical care, more and more shelters also screen animals for specific temperaments and behaviors to make sure each family finds the right pet for its lifestyle.
It is a common misconception that animals end up in shelters because they've been abused or done something "wrong". In fact, most animals are given to shelters because of "people reasons," not because of anything they've done.
Things like a divorce, a move, lack of time or financial constraints are among the most common reasons why pets lose their homes.
The fourth reason: You'll save money 
Adopting a pet from an animal shelter is much less expensive than buying a pet at a pet store or through other sources. In addition, animals from many shelters are already spayed or neutered and vaccinated, which makes the shelter's fee a real bargain. 



discus fish
discus fish

It is considerable to add discus fish to the aquarium briefly upon completion of the nitrogen cycle in the filter. The authority of thumb for stocking density is to allow at least five gallons per discus fish. If the filter is cycled and discus fish will not be increased for awhile, it is considerable to nourish the filter bacteria.The filter bacteria desire oxygen and a food source. The mature filter can be conserved alive by feeding ammonia every two days at a rate of five pm. 
Plural experienced hobbyists, as a precaution, quarantine any current discus fish before accumulating them to a fully setup aquarium full of discus fish. If a quarantine tank is utilized for recent discus arrivals it should have a very energetic biological filter. This is to ensure adequate filtration to prevent ammonia or nitrite spikes which will damage the discus. Air driven sponge filters are excellent filters to use in a discus quarantine tank. 
The tank should not be too small. If an air driven sponge filter is kept in the main discus aquarium, a quarantine tank can be rapidly set up using aged water from the main tank along with the established filter. 
Should a difficulty arise in the main discus aquarium it is greatest to treat the main tank. If you purchase discus fish from a pet shop to add to your discus aquarium, they should be located in a quarantine tank for observation and possible treatment.
 Difficulties arise with discus fish health from introduction of fish carrying a pathogen or parasite and from the stress constructed due to aquarium maintenance neglect.

You Should Ask Yourself Before You Get a Pet

keeping a pet is helpful and sympathetic only for those who care and enjoy domestic animals. If you’re directly not a “pet person,” pet ownership is not going to provide you with any corrective benefits or improve your life. For other public, possessing a pet may easily not be practical. Some of the drawbacks are:
Pets require time and attention
As any dog owner will tell you, there’s nothing therapeutic about coming home to a dog that has been locked up in the house on his own all day long.
 Dogs need daily exercise to stay calm and well-balanced; most other pets require at least daily care and attention.
Pets can even curb some social activity, as they can only be left alone for a limited time.
Pets cost money
Veterinary care, food bills, grooming costs, licenses,  toys,  boarding fees,bedding, and other maintenance expenses can mount up.
The unemployed or the elderly, on limited fixed incomes, may find it difficult to afford a pet.
Pets require responsibility
Most dogs, regardless of size and breed, are capable of inflicting injury on people if not handled responsibly by their owners. Even cats can scratch or bite.
Pet owners need to be alert to any danger, especially around children.
Pets can be destructive
Any pet can have an occasional accident at home. Some cats may be prone to shredding upholstery, some dogs to chewing shoes.
While training can help eradicate negative, destructive behavior, they remain common in animals left alone without exercise or stimulation for long periods of time.
Pets transmit health threats for some people 
 While there are many diseases that can be dispatched from cats and dogs to their human handlers, allergies are the most common energy risk of pet ownership.
If you or a family member has been diagnosed with a pet allergy, attentively consider whether you can live with the symptoms before doing wrong to pet ownership. Also consider that some colleagues or relatives with allergies may no longer be able to visit your domestic if you acquire a pet.


why you should have a pet in your life ?


In this post I want to tell you why I think almost every household should have some kind of pet.
The first reason: Safety
Having a dog at home is especially good because they also double up as caretakers. No burglar alarm can be better than a dog at home!
The second reason; Pets can enhance your mood
Whether you believe it or not, pets are a great way to improve your mood and temperament. Research has shown that people who suffer from various diseases have lesser chances of depression if they keep pets as compared to those who are suffering from similar diseases and don't keep pets.


Finding the right tropical fish tank setup

Smaller tanks are ideal for fish such as goldfish, mollies, betas, or neons. These fish are usually easy to care for, but require a good bit of maintenance due to the fact that they produce large amounts of waste.
Goldfish are the most difficult to keep clean, as they produce more waste than any other fish. You will have an easier time feeding fish in small tanks as well, because you can buy one canister of flake or pellet food to last a few weeks in most casesIdeal sizes for small tanks are one gallon, five gallon, ten gallon, and twenty gallon tanks.
While sometimes easy to clean, smaller tanks do tend to limit the type and quantity of fish that you can have, but if you want a few fish that will grow no larger than three inches or so, a small tank is just for you.
Larger tanks that hold more than twenty gallons of water are more cumbersome, so choosing the right size both for your fish and your home is a good idea.Some species that can use a larger tropical fish tank setup are eels, koi, sharks, seahorses, and other larger fish. Many exotic fish collectors choose even larger fish for the extremely large tanks that are over 150 gallon capacity, but these usually come from specialty shops that have to special order them or have them made to specific dimensions.
In-home large tanks require frequent cleaning and usually require a filtration system that is not necessarily mandatory in smaller tanks. Filters are a great way to help keep the tank clean of leftover food particles and of solid wastes, but must be cleaned often to ensure that they continue to work properly. Larger tanks, while sometimes more maintenance, are often more pretty to look at and can house more of a variety of fish with plenty of room to grow.
Whether you choose a small tank or a large one, you have to make sure that what you use as decorations is not harmful to your fish. Some gravels and rocks are not made for aquatic tanks and can only be used in mostly dry tanks such as reptile or amphibian tanks.
They often contain parasites and dirt that could harm some species of fish, so choosing the proper gravel and plants is very important.
Finding the right tropical fish tank setup for you and your home is a pretty big undertaking at times, but with a little research and a lot of love, you can create the perfect environment for your fish without any problem. It helps if you can consult someone who works with fish in a pet store or at a breeding center about what you need to do before you jump in head first, but for some fish, reading a book about it will do the trick of informing you just as well.
Find out more about getting the perfect size fish tank .


Knowing how to care for discus fish

Discus fish really are beautiful and they will make your days wonderful.Many owners would like to understand how to care for discus fish, how to prolong their life and how to create the connection.
Follow these 10 simple steps and you will raise your discus fish into beautiful
1. Check the quality of water. Do not just use any tap-water. Make sure to remove the chlorine and other chemicals and to use soft water to maintain the pH of the water.
2. Sign up for fish practical fishing magazines in order to get more helpful hints on how to care for discus fish.
3. Use warm water never a cold one to maintain the needed water temperature by the discus. pH 7 - Gh 15 - Kh 8 - conductivity 800ms - temp 30C
4. Never buy only one discus fish. It has to be able to interact with 5 or more discus in order to thrive and never alone.
5. It would be best to care for an older discus fish and they tend to be stable. Choose 12cm and over so that you can be definite regarding the color and the shape that you will be getting.
6. It would be best to keep the design of the tank minimal. You can include some plants and a few stones and wood but less is better in order to make the maintenance faster. It would be best to give the discus fish swimming space.
7. Make sure that the water is clean and changed every now and then, it would be best not to place gravel in order for an easier maintenance.
8. Never use a carbon filter as this could affect the quality of life of the fish.
9.It would be good to use a grolux tube for discus for lighting.
10.Never underestimate the power of a book. Although online suggestions are good and contain helpful hints, nothing is better than taking the time to go and research on the real informative ways to care for the discus, learn the variety of the fish, how they came about and what makes them thrive.
Some make the mistake of buying a fish that they do not even understand. Having an aquarium is a serious responsibility and is considered to be rewarding and fulfilling once done correctly


For pet lovers : tips for Pets in Pain

For pet lovers the thought of your pet being in pain is very upsetting.
In the past, veterinarians were trained to not give much worry to the physical pain pets can suffer. In a Fox New report Dr. Dawn Boothe, DVM and professor of clinical pharmacology at Auburn University stated:
"Twenty years ago, veterinary schools taught that animals don't feel pain to the degree that humans do, so there wasn't much attention paid to the issue."
Fortunately, today the school of thinking has changed quite a bit and now pet owners are encouraged to observe their pets carefully for signs they are in pain. And, they are encouraged to take action to help make them more comfortable.
While pets with severe injuries like a broken leg will usually display clear signs of pain such as severe limping or crying, experts say that pets suffering from chronic pain aren't always so easy to detect.
According to Dr. Sandee Hartsfield, DVM, a professor of small-animal medicine and surgery at Texas A&M University:
"A pet with an acute injury like a broken leg is more likely to respond to you by moving away or biting or pawing you, while a pet suffering from chronic pain such as arthritis tends to be quieter than usual."
Arthritis is a general term that refers to a great number of conditions where there is a loss of viscosity and lubrication of the joint. This begins as mild and occasional inflammation (just like with humans) but then develops into a chronic condition that involves actual deterioration of the cartilage that surrounds the joint. Cats and dogs are highly prone to arthritis... especially as they age.
There are signs that indicate that your pet is suffering from joint pain. It may get up slowly after sleeping. It may be reluctant to run or even walk or have trouble hopping into the car. In the worst cases, he or she yelps when you pet him.
Other possible signs that your pet may be suffering from chronic pain are:
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargic behavior
  • Distancing itself socially
Below are a few suggestions from veterinarians to help relieve chronic pet joint pain in pets:
  • Gentle massage with hands or applying heat with warm moist towels to tender areas.
  • Carefully monitoring diet to prevent excess weight which aggravates joint problems
  • Comfortable bedding
  • Dietary supplementation with nutrients known to help with joint pain
Since our pets can't simply tell us when they are in pain you might want to carefully monitor your pets for signs of chronic pain and if trying the above suggestions doesn't help consider going to the vet.
Naturecast Pet Products' Rejointenator is unlike any pet supplement on the market today! It's an all-natural pet supplement that prevents, treats, and relieves joint pain in pets. There are Rejoinatenator formulas for both dogs and cats. Go to http://naturecastpetproducts.com/rejointenator/ and learn more about the Rejointenator can relieve pain and improve mobility in your pet.


Cat Food Ingredients

Few people really know what the common cat food ingredients are, in the majority of commercial cat food. Most people are comforted by the pretty pictures on the packet or can, and believe or assume that the manufacturer have the health of their furry friend at heart. After all, there are plenty of veterinary endorsements.
Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth. For a start veterinary endorsements mean absolutely nothing. It has always been possible to buy people. There will probably always be people who care more about their bank balance than their ethics.
The commercial pet food industry is a multi billion dollar industry, so they can afford to buy even highly priced recommendations.
Few people realise that the majority (all?) of veterinary colleges around the world are heavily subsidised by the commercial pet food industry. Universities are always short of money, looking for new ways to keep going. The commercial pet food industry is only too pleased to step in and help, because they can heavily influence the students.
Not only that, but veterinary colleges pay no attention to the importance of diet. This vital aspect of animal health care is given over completely to an industry with a heavily loaded vested interest.
And how well the graduates have learned, with practically every veterinary clinic groaning with packets and cans of commercial pet food from floor to ceiling.
There are a multitude of problems with the ingredients in commercial cat food, regardless of the price tag. They vary from poor quality 'raw' ingredients, to the wrong type of food for the species, to a high chemical load, even to the inclusion of hazardous ingredients such as melamine or plastic that have no business being in anyone's food.
For the purposes of this article, just one of the common cat food ingredients is under scrutiny. Propylene glycol is an alcohol used as a solvent. It is used to prevent melting in extreme heat or freezing in extreme cold. It is commonly found in personal care products and cosmetics. It is used in animal feed to keep it moist. It is also used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is found in hydraulic fluid and industrial anti-freeze.
When propylene glycol is applied to the skin, as with personal care products, it is absorbed through the skin and finds its way into the blood stream. When animals are fed food which contain this chemical, it is absorbed by the body a lot faster.

  Three Natural and Economical Feline Treatments


Bad cats - good pictures

  •  If a cat does something, we call it instinct; if we do the same thing, for the same reason, we call it intelligence. - Will Cuppy - Funny cat thieves

  • There's no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat. - Wesley Bates
  • The trouble with cats is that they've got no tact. - P. G. Wodehouse 
  • Cats' hearing apparatus is built to allow the human voice to easily go in one ear and out the other. - Stephen Baker
  •  Cats always know whether people like or dislike them. They do not always care enough to do anything about it. - Winifred Carriere

Bad catsBad cats

Bad cats

Bad cats

Bad cats

Bad cats

Bad cats

Bad cats

Bad cats


The discus is a social fish

The discus lives in large groups in their native waters, and has a very advanced social behaviour; they are one of the few real schooling cichlids. Remember to keep this in mind when starting care for discus; always purchase a group of animals. They need the social interaction to develop their character to its best potential.
Currently, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the original colour variants in pet shops, only the Heckel is sometimes imported. Most of the discus fish you encounter today are captive bred colour variants. At this time the list of described colour variants is nearly endless. Some of the discus colour variants have lost their stripes and therefore their natural ability to communicate in the school. But as always these new variants are finding their way to the aquarium hobbyist quickly for exceptionally high prices and this will stimulate the breeders to try to find a new one. One of the advantages of the captive bred discus is that they are now much easier, not easy, to maintain as the imported ones. They are much more tolerant concerning water conditions.

It is getting increasingly easier to keep discus with new technology to improve water quality and health of discus fish which could be the cause of the rise in demand. New dealers and breeders are growing rapidly and even small aquatic shops are stocking a range of Discus.

They are beautiful but yet still remain a challenge to keep and breed with the later been very rewarding and will even pay for the hobby. Most people that keep Discus will at some stage want to breed them as it is a great experience.


Pets have wide range of healthy benefits

There are several benefits associated with the keeping of pets. Studies conducted by psychologists from Miami and Saint Louis universities have shown that pets have wide range of healthy benefits to most ordinary people. Studies have shown that people who own pets were better adapted to changes in the social and economic spheres than those who without pets. It was also derived that pet owners were far ahead in inter-relationship than those without pets. On the same vein, they were better placed to handle loneliness and other human relation deficiencies. Thus they could cope well and maintain self image amidst tensions. Contrary to previous assumptions, it was proved that pet owners had better interrelationship among their brethren than what was initially believed. It was established that, among those who were HIV- positive, those with pets faired better compared with those who didn't had.
Depending on a research conducted from people of different financial status, it was proved that those who owned pets faired better than those without regardless of the prevailing circumstances. Through this research, it was proved that in the midst of social and economic upheavals, those with pets were better adapted to withstand changes than those without. Pet owners were found to be more interacting and understanding than those who were highly educated and with higher annual turnovers. The study proved that whereas majority assumed that pet owners were preoccupied with pets at the expense of the human relationships, the reverse is the truth. Pet owners had better interacting skills than those without making one to feel better when in their company.
Those who owned pets faired better than those who didn't in a wide range of circumstances. Regardless of the social and economic differences, those who own pets are better and well adapted than those without. In fact pet owners seem to have an upper hand when it comes to matters of social and economic changes. Living with pets, helps one to develop better communication skills which brings understanding and quality relationships. It is now quite clear that, every one should have a pet for the purpose of improving his interrelation skills among other benefits. With that said and done the overall benefits of having a nice pet will not only ensure that you gain self esteem but will most likely contribute to your well being in the long run.
Whereas the issue of owning pets was viewed from an external point of view, it has now been proved that pets play an important role for human health as well as his general welfare. The next time you feel discouraged and out of place it might be because you have poor inter -human relationships which isolate you. The best way out would be for you to consider looking for a pet. This will not only provide for you a close companion, but will teach you some important lessons which will enhance your way of dealing with others. The overall benefits of such a venture will attract friends to you to ensure that you no longer feel lonely or isolated.


Discus fish : Water

Water Preparation
If after testing your water you are happy that it fits the water chemistry required to keep Discus Fish you can do a couple of things. You can simply add a treatment like Tetra Aqua Safe which will take out chlorine, chloride and some metals. You can also use a heavy metal filter which will take out all heavy metals and make the water perfect. Or you can mix the two like I do to save on time and money If your water doesn’t match and you have poor water to start with, you will need to filter it through a Reverse Osmosis unit. These can cost a packet, but are worth it if you need them. This filtration process will remove a very high percentage of heavy metals, chlorine, pesticides, silica, nitrates and most of the Total Dissolved Solids, it will also lower the pH of freshwater. The product water, as with distilled water, on its own is unsuitable for Discus. The reason for this is that there are no salts in this water which would buffer any drops or peaks in pH. What you do is add to it a supplement containing electrolytes and salts, or some de-chlorinated tap water. Better still mix RO water with a percentage of water prepared with a HMA filter. The exact percentages to mix really are determined by your geographical location, but as a rule 75% RO to 25% tap is usually about right.
If you wish to breed Discus Aquarium Fish and to care for the fry you need a supply of very soft water, in order to keep the water very soft, i.e. less than 50 ppm; you use less tap water in the mix. But a word of warning, soft water is very unstable and must be changed daily to avoid pH crash.

Water changes
It is very important to change the water in your Discus tank on a regular basis, in a display tank I recommend around once or twice a week and with the later for breeding tanks and anything up to once a day for growing on tanks. I like to change in between 20-40% of the water in the tank but in the fish farms in the Far East they change 100% of the water once a day in the growing on tanks with great results. The reason for this is that discus like other fish, secrete a hormone into the water that inhibits their growth. This allows the fish to stay appropriately sized for the volume of water it is contained in. It is for this reason that wild specimens and those subjected to abundant water changes grow to such large sizes. When changing the water clean the bottom of the tank and suck up all of the debris on the tank floor but try and disturb the Discus Fish as least as possible. Once they feel more secure, you can clean aggressively, but do not cause them stress by being noisy about it, just remember that sounds are amplified in water as it is a much better conductor of sound and shock.


Discus Fish Photo Gallery

Discus Fish  
 Daddy defending his young

Discus Fish
Mommy with young

Discus Fish
 Baby Discus after being fed brine shrimp

Discus Fish
 Powder Blues

Discus Fish
 New Strain - Red Centurion (based on pattern on gill plates)

Discus Fish
 Pigeon Blood - Reds

Discus Fish
 Pigeon Blood - Reds

Discus Fish
 Discus in pairing out tanks - Turquoise Greens

Discus Fish
Discus in pairing out tanks - Turquoise Greens

Sinking Fish Food for Discus

Discus Fish

 There are different types of discus fish foods, which mainly contains three categories: frozen food ,dry food and live discus food. These can be further classified as slow sinking food ,sinking food and floating fish food. Since discus, fish are mostly mid water feeders slow sinking fish food for discus is most preferred.
Different types of sinking fish food for discus are:
Pellets: Small and mostly round shaped, pellets are both sinking and floating. Giving dry pellets to fish can cause them to bloat therefore soak them in water for a little while before feeding.
Granules: These are smaller forms of pellets are can be fed in the same way you feed the pellets. Flakes: Flakes come under the category of top floating food but if you pinch them a big before feeding they sink down.
Wafers and tablets: These are one of the most popular forms of sinking fish food for discus. They have a very well balanced ingredient content. Although they sink rapidly but since they are small enough to be eaten in one bite the fish eat them up quickly. Also they don't cloud the water.
 Gels: These are pre-processed slow sinking food for fish. These than be thawed, then mixed with homemade food or other frozen food and then frozen again to feed the fish. They can be used to give your fish a varied diet.  
Slow sinking discus fish food is preferred because then the fish can reach it easily. If the fish sinks too fast then they will not be able to reach it and it will rot in the bottom and can harm the fish.
 Discus fish follow a routine and therefore you have to keep in mind to feed them at fixed times every day.
Also, since discus fish like to follow a routine therefore feed them at regular intervals and give small feedings at a time.
They like to eat frequently and hence if you give them feed only once or twice a day.
Any variation from the routine will make them confused and disrupt their system.

Harry Koots is an experienced Aquarius and he has been teaching people on how to successfully breed Discus.


Information about better air quality for pet allergies

better air quality for pet allergies

Pets, particularly cats and dogs, produce many allergens which for most people have little no effect on their health. But for some, it can be very distressing and can cause severe respiratory problems, skin rashes and other medical conditions.
Interestingly a recent survey has found that despite being allergic to pets, one-third of people that suffer from pet allergies actually have at least one pet in their home. Even when advised by a medical practitioner to avoid contact with pets, only one out of five people gave up keeping a pet. The survey also found that over one third of the people surveyed admitted to getting another pet after one had died, even though they knew they were allergic to them.
People often refer to the cause of a pet allergy as being from the animal's hair. It has been proven that it doesn't matter what type of hair a dog or a cat has the animal still produces allergens. It is fair to say that allergens are sometimes on the hair of the animal and therefore if the hair drops from the animal it can float around a bit.
A pet produces allergens from glands on its skin. They dry on the animal's hair and become airborne and a person then breathes them in. Allergens are also produced in an animal's mouth and are therefore present in the saliva. If the animal licks its fur, then they get transferred and dry on the hair and become airborne and, if an animal licks a person, the allergens stay on the skin and dry and gain become airborne.
If you or a family member suffers from pet allergens, but it is not particularly severe, then there are a few things you can do to reduce the airborne allergens entering a person's respiratory system. Remember, the allergens from pets are mainly airborne so you need to clean the air in your home.
Air purifiers are very helpful, but they need to be placed in rooms where the pet is generally and if the pet is allowed into several rooms then you will need several air purifiers. However, you need to get purifiers that have high efficient particulate air (HEPA) filters. These filters can remove 99.7 percent of airborne particles, therefore reducing the number of allergens floating in the air.
Filters must be regularly cleaned or replaced to ensure they remain effective. It is also recommended that, despite using electrical energy, air purifiers should be left to run continuously.
Vacuum regularly to get rid of animal hairs and again ensure your vacuum has a HEPA filter, otherwise the vacuum will suck up the allergens that have got into the carpet and blow them out into the air making the matter worse.
Check out http://www.rabbitair.com/air-purifiers-for-allergies.aspx for more information about better air quality for pet allergies in your home. Visit RabbitAir online. Rabbit Air is a manufacturer of air purifiers. Their philosophy is to create the best purifiers available that also have a great design aesthetic.