
You Should Ask Yourself Before You Get a Pet

keeping a pet is helpful and sympathetic only for those who care and enjoy domestic animals. If you’re directly not a “pet person,” pet ownership is not going to provide you with any corrective benefits or improve your life. For other public, possessing a pet may easily not be practical. Some of the drawbacks are:
Pets require time and attention
As any dog owner will tell you, there’s nothing therapeutic about coming home to a dog that has been locked up in the house on his own all day long.
 Dogs need daily exercise to stay calm and well-balanced; most other pets require at least daily care and attention.
Pets can even curb some social activity, as they can only be left alone for a limited time.
Pets cost money
Veterinary care, food bills, grooming costs, licenses,  toys,  boarding fees,bedding, and other maintenance expenses can mount up.
The unemployed or the elderly, on limited fixed incomes, may find it difficult to afford a pet.
Pets require responsibility
Most dogs, regardless of size and breed, are capable of inflicting injury on people if not handled responsibly by their owners. Even cats can scratch or bite.
Pet owners need to be alert to any danger, especially around children.
Pets can be destructive
Any pet can have an occasional accident at home. Some cats may be prone to shredding upholstery, some dogs to chewing shoes.
While training can help eradicate negative, destructive behavior, they remain common in animals left alone without exercise or stimulation for long periods of time.
Pets transmit health threats for some people 
 While there are many diseases that can be dispatched from cats and dogs to their human handlers, allergies are the most common energy risk of pet ownership.
If you or a family member has been diagnosed with a pet allergy, attentively consider whether you can live with the symptoms before doing wrong to pet ownership. Also consider that some colleagues or relatives with allergies may no longer be able to visit your domestic if you acquire a pet.

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