
Discus Fish really are great pets

discus fish
discus fish

If you really want to have discus fish, you will not mind the expenses because discus really are beautiful and they will make your days wonderful.
1- You should know how many discus fish should be in the aquarium to avoid overcrowding. Usually it should be one discus for every 10 gallons. We should remember that always.
2- The tank for discus should be big because they grow very fast and become quite big. If we buy a small tank then your discus will not be happy and their growth will be stunted. So, we do not want that right? Therefore, we should keep in mind that we should buy BIG TANK.
One more thing, our tank should be placed in a peaceful environment, away from noise and away from places with a lot of movement going on like doorways. In addition, you should not put your discus tank low down because discus do not like shadows that moving above.
3- In taking care of your discus, the most important thing you should remember is Water. The water of the tank should be cleaned and changed every week. In addition, you should always maintain the pH of your water 6.5 to 7.5 (Display); 5.5 to 6.5 (Breeding); 6.8 to 7.5 (Growing) and you should also maintain their water temperature which is 27.5 to 29 degrees Celsius (Display); 30 to 33 degrees Celsius (Breeding); 29 to 31 degrees Celsius (Growing).
4- When feeding your discus, you should give them the right diet. You should feed them small amount of food than one large meal once a day. After you feed your discus fish clean all uneaten food to avoid disease to your discus.

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