
Your cat keep you awake !!

Most cats spend a good part of their sleep during the day, they love nothing better than finding a warm place and enjoy a little nap.

The problem is that some cats are awake when night falls and are full of vim and vigor, if your cat is one that could lead to restless sleep, sometimes exclusively, the sleepless nights for you. And this is no joke, you need your sleep so you can be bright eyed and bushy tailed for work in the morning. You are embarrassed to be constantly bleary-eyed and yawning at your desk!

So, do you share your home with an evil cat, a cat who has a secret agenda to torment you with sleep deprivation? No, it's not really the fault of your cat. In their natural state, cats are nocturnal hunters, they stalk their prey at night. A few centuries ago the cats ventured into human settlements because where there were human, there were rodents. This arrangement has been good for both parties, good hunting cats and humans have solved the problem of rodents for them.

Years later, the rodent problem was not so bad for humans, but many found that they enjoyed the company of cats. The cats began to be kept as pets and humans have fed their pet cat there was no need for them to hunt for food. But the hunting instinct remains with the cats today. . . and it is the instinct night.

"OK, cats are naturally active at night, but I really need my sleep. What can I do?"

This problem generally affects more "domestic cats" only because the cats have access to the outside by a door company can slip the night to satisfy their hunting instincts. But you may have many reasons why you prefer to keep your cat indoors.

Play with your cat? You should, play is fun for you and your cat and helps to enhance the links between you two.

If the energy night of your cat makes you lose sleep trying a play session with your cat just before bedtime, it may just tire out your cat if he or she is not as active .

Engaging interactive cat toys, the type of fishing pole and toy mouse on a variety of string, rolling a ball for your cat to hunt. Do not overdo the object is not to exhaust your cat but get rid of excess energy. At first your cat may only be interested in playing for a few minutes is to try to play a little longer the next night.

The energy that your cat spends playing is the energy of a cat hunting pass, and at the end of a hunt, a success anyway, is a meal. Then feed your cat a small meal after the session of play. This way, you recreate your cat's natural nocturnal habits and it May that it means either it will be somewhat less active at night.

Do not expect this to work immediately, you should try to keep patience, good luck.

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