


Taking Care of a Koi Fish Pond

A Koi pond can be one of the most beautiful things around your home. Furthermore, it can be a great source of relaxation. However, it is not relaxing or beautiful when you have algae buildup or failing equipment. To overcome these problems, all you have to do is maintain your pond using these simple tips. Here is a look at how to keep this beautiful...


You think that your Cat is a Bad Cat

The issue of bad cat behavior is something that every cat owner has to encounter sometime. It is very natural for cats to misbehave. We must not forget that they are animals after all and have the tendency to go wild anytime. It is interesting to know that most of the cats are wild by nature. You can do an experiment by letting your cat be free...


Discus Fish Care Basics

discus fish Discus fish care is more than just the pH level of the water. It is also about where you will locate the aquarium, how to treat younger discus fish from older ones , when you will feed the fish... Realistic plants are safer than plastic and they would provide shelter and vegetation for the fish rather than plastic ones. But...


How to take excellent care of Discus Fish

discus fish Follow these simple tips and you will raise your discus fish into beautiful, colorful fish. Aquarium Water. The next basic discus fish care tip is keeping the aquarium water clean and free of chlorine and heavy metals. To keep your discus aquarium tank clean, you may want to invest in a water purifying unit. Be sure that...


Cute Rabbits Photos

Rabbits are so adorable ,they are also a quiet animal and can wiggle their nose in that adorable way.it's a rare person who can watch a rabbit at play and not laugh out loud. A rabbit has a unique personality, special pet and so different from other animals. In fact rabbits are now the third most popular family pet after dogs and cats.  rabbit and...


Best Fish Food for Koi Fish

Below are some of the key factors every Koi keeper should consider when choosing a fish food for Koi and other pond fish. Nutritional Analysis You would never go into a restaurant and eat whatever the waiter puts on your plate if you didn't first know what it was. This same logic should be applied when selecting a diet for your Koi or other pond fish. Different...


Advanced Aquarium Discus Fish secrets

Aquarium Discus Fish need close attention to maintain them fitly. They are very temperamental fish. With some guidance you can be on your way to conserving a attractive "aquarium discus fish" aquarium. first advice :How many discus you should keep an aquarium? The general rule of thumb is to only keep one discus fish per every 10 gallons of water your...


Why Every House Should Have a Pet ?

Keeping pets at home has several benefits and if you're among those who has always wanted to keep a pet, let us convince you to go ahead and get one home. The first reason: ResponsibilityWhen you have a pet you can’t just head off for the night or go on a weekend getaway. They need to be fed, given fresh water and so on. Having a pet in your life will...


Discus Fish are beautiful pets

Discus Fish are beautiful pets  Discus Fish are attractive pets . If you are a amateur or have not had much success with discus fish, no worries because you will have all the advice that you need for achievement.  They originate from the Amazon River and surrounding rivers and lakes. They get their name from the shape of their body. Discus bodies are disc-shaped....


How To Install A Wall Mounted Aquarium

1. Marine life has long been the source of fascination for many people who are water-lovers and long for a peaceful, restive and calm environment that keeping an aquarium provides them. However, keeping marine or fresh-water fish are 2 different passions that come with their own set of rules as regards keeping these species in a home tank environment is concerned that hobbyists...


Why You Should Own a Pet ?

So what is the value of having a pet in your life?, here are 10 reasons why It's good to get  Pets . Companionship Loneliness can become an unwelcome companion as we age and can lead to depression as well as physical problems. Dogs mold their schedule and personality to you. They are never unavailable or off duty. Smaller dogs, in particular,...


Discus Fish Information

discus fish Discus are very rare and hard to find. Discus belong to a large family called Cichlids and they are usually located in South America. The physical features of discus fish are a disc-shaped body with dorsal and anal fins reaching to the tail. Their diameter can be up to ten inches from the body of the adult fish. Selective...


Freshwater Aquarium Fish Tanks

There are a number of methods to make educated estimates about fish stocking levels. Keep a gallon of water for each inch of fish in the tank, this rule is abraded, as it does not take the adaptable fish shapes into account. 10 inches of plump goldfish and 10 inches of lean zebra fish are not the same. Therefore, ten gallons of water will not be suitable for both the...


You Should Ask Yourself Before Starting A Freshwater Aquarium

freshwater aquarium A freshwater aquarium is a great stress relieverwill ,it will make your home or office look better and it is also a good conversation piece. Here is some information you need if you want to start a freshwater aquarium. Does a freshwater tank need a lot of work to support? Weekly I spend maybe an hour to an hour and a half keeping my freshwater tank...


why you should keep a pet ?

Your kids have been begging you to get a family pet since they could talk. As a parent, you may have reservations. Depending on your children’s ages, the burden of house training a pet, such as a dog, may rest solely on your shoulders. In addition to paying the bills, making dinner, and keeping the house clean, you may not want to add more chores to your list. You’ll...


Bad Cats love window blinds !!

Cats like to look out the window.Windows may be the best seats in the house to view the outside world. cats think of blinds as a play toy ...

Should i get a rabbit?

a rabbit If you really want to have a rabbit,  you will not mind the expenses because rabbits really are beautiful pets and they will make your days wonderful. There are many reasons why people enjoy rabbits. let us convince you to go ahead and get one home. Rabbit has a amusing personality. Rabbit may display some territorial and aggressive...


What species of hamster should I get

 It's always a excellent idea to do some research when getting a new pet. I anticipate, this article will facilitate you narrow down which hamster fits you best! There are five pet hamster species.There is 4 dwarf hamsters (Campbell, Chinese, Roborovski, and Winter White ) and Syrian Hamster . Below are factors that will aid you decide: Appearance All four hamsters...

Bad Cats Behaviors

Messing up upholstery,leaving piles of sand around the house , scratching valuable antique furniture, certainly there are many observable attitudes that will lead you to think that your cat is a bad cat, but think twice...they are cats and they do not know better. Here are some indications that just may help you to stop the bad cat behaviors Cats need to go out of the...


Reasons to get a rabbit

reasons to get a rabbit Keeping rabbits for pets is an amazing experience.if you're looking for a new addition to your household maybe it's time to  mak a bunny your new best pet ?, here are 4 reasons why It's good to get a rabbit. First: Bunnies are very social In the agrarian bunnies reside in warrens, or groups. There can...


Black Mollies Fish

Black black Mollies Fish Black Mollies fish very celebrated among the fish keepers and if you put a combination of Mollies in various colors like black and gold, they will make your days wonderful. Follow these simple tips and you will raise your black molly fish into beautiful . Black Molly is a brackish fish. They must be kept in a tank...