
What species of hamster should I get

 It's always a excellent idea to do some research when getting a new pet. I anticipate, this article will facilitate you narrow down which hamster fits you best!
There are five pet hamster species.There is 4 dwarf hamsters (Campbell, Chinese, Roborovski, and Winter White ) and Syrian Hamster .
Below are factors that will aid you decide:
  1. All four hamsters have a stubby tail barely visible under the fur beside the Chinese Dwarf which has a tail about an inch long.
  2. Whites are 3-4 inches. Roborovski is the smallest type of hamster of all 24 hamster category.
  3. Chinese Dwarf is about 4-5 inches Syrians are about 4-5 inches too .
  4. All four hamsters have a cute, barrel shape. Chinese hamster may be a bit thinner.
  5. The Syrian hamster has the most variation in coats.Winter Whites and Campbell have some characteristic coats. Winter White in special will turn all white in the winter when the temperature is low enough. Roborovski and Chinese Hamsters are frequently breed in their natural (agouti) coat.
Play Time
  1. Roborovski's are always active. They may be fast and every jumpy. the other dwarf hamsters are much slower. And the Syrian hamster is slow enough easily to handle
  2. Some hamsters like to be handled, some not. This really does depend on their character and if they are tamed. Part of the fun of having hamsters is also observing them play by themselves in their cages.
  3. All five hamsters are nocturnal. Wake up time will be in the evening.
  1. On the whole, Chinese and Syrian hamsters need to be stayed alone. Winter whites and Campbells should generally be kept separately. Roborovski can be kept with other Robos if they were together before weaned. You can check to keep more than one hamster in a cage/habitat. Make sure the cage is large sufficient because hamsters are territorial. You should get a diverge cage, since they may fight to the death.
  2. Campbells and Syrians are generally accepting of human connect but will still require training. Chinese, Roborovski, and Winter whites Hamsters may be more combative and even bite with strangers.
  3. In general, there isn't much difference. Pregnant females, however will be very aggressive and sensitive.
Other informations
  1. Leave more room for a Syrian hamster.
  2. All four hamsters are prone to long term diseases, except for the Roborovski which has better longevity.
  3. All hamster cages should be disinfected once a week. Their bodies are naturally odorless but their urine can smell.
  4. You want to get a bigger cage for the Syrian hamster. You may also use more bedding for that reason.
Roborovski Hamster
Roborovski Hamster

Winter White  Hamster
Winter White  Hamster
Syrian Hamster
Syrian Hamster
campbell hamster
campbell hamster
chinese hamster
chinese hamster

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  • What species of hamster should I get  It's always a excellent idea to do some research when getting a new pet. I anticipate, this article will facilitate you narrow down which hamster fits you best! There are five pet hamster species.There is 4 dwarf ham… Read More