
How to take excellent care of Discus Fish

discus fish
discus fish

Follow these simple tips and you will raise your discus fish into beautiful, colorful fish.
Aquarium Water.
The next basic discus fish care tip is keeping the aquarium water clean and free of chlorine and heavy metals. To keep your discus aquarium tank clean, you may want to invest in a water purifying unit. Be sure that the aquarium water is slow moving and filtered. The temperature should be between 82-86F.
 Aquarium Size.
Discus fish need to be kept in deep tanks because of their size. Typically, they grow up to 6 or 7 inches. As they continue to grow, discus prefer to be in shoals of at least 6.
You can keep discus fish in tanks that are empty,
but it's best if you add plants or bog wood to the tank. This will help your discus feel safe because they'll have somewhere to hide if they are frightened. If they are kept in bare tanks, they will get stressed easily and could possibly hurt themself from dashing around in the tank.
 Feeding Discus Fish.
The last basic discus fish care tip is feeding your discus. They can be fed most aquarium foods, such as frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. Make sure you feed adult discus once a day and young discus fish three times a day.
 Fish Mates.
If you are going to add other fish with your discus, you can add catfish, plecs, or small tetras from South America (neon tetras). Whichever fish mate you choose to add, make sure that your discus fish is the largest fish in the tank.

For more information on how to care for your discus fish, visit http://www.Secrets-To-Discus-Fish.blogspot.com .

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