









Taking Care of a Koi Fish Pond

A Koi pond can be one of the most beautiful things around your home. Furthermore, it can be a great source of relaxation. However, it is not relaxing or beautiful when you have algae buildup or failing equipment. To overcome these problems, all you have to do is maintain your pond using these simple tipsHere is a look at how to keep this beautiful wonder well maintained.
Check for Algae
Algae are one of the biggest nuisances in any Koi pond. Although they are indicators of a healthy pond, too much is never a good thing. Most owners are usually under the impression that proper tubing and high quality koi pond filtration systems and pond aerators are all they need for a clean and pure pond. They leave them on and stop worrying.


You think that your Cat is a Bad Cat

Bad Cat

The issue of bad cat behavior is something that every cat owner has to encounter sometime. It is very natural for cats to misbehave. We must not forget that they are animals after all and have the tendency to go wild anytime. It is interesting to know that most of the cats are wild by nature. You can do an experiment by letting your cat be free for a while outside the street; it will act almost similar to stray cats. It will chase mice, hunt doves and do all sorts of things and shock you as if it were never tamed or trained.


Discus Fish Care Basics

discus fish
discus fish

Discus fish care is more than just the pH level of the water. It is also about where you will locate the aquarium, how to treat younger discus fish from older ones , when you will feed the fish...
Realistic plants are safer than plastic and they would provide shelter and vegetation for the fish rather than plastic ones. But you can also add some plastic designs if you want the aquarium to look more aesthetically pleasing.
Discus fish care has a lot to do with the type of habitat that you will provide for them. Remember that they would be residing inside it for the rest of their lives and you would want to make sure that the fish remain interested.


How to take excellent care of Discus Fish

discus fish
discus fish

Follow these simple tips and you will raise your discus fish into beautiful, colorful fish.
Aquarium Water.
The next basic discus fish care tip is keeping the aquarium water clean and free of chlorine and heavy metals. To keep your discus aquarium tank clean, you may want to invest in a water purifying unit. Be sure that the aquarium water is slow moving and filtered. The temperature should be between 82-86F.
 Aquarium Size.
Discus fish need to be kept in deep tanks because of their size. Typically, they grow up to 6 or 7 inches. As they continue to grow, discus prefer to be in shoals of at least 6.
You can keep discus fish in tanks that are empty,


Cute Rabbits Photos

Rabbits are so adorable ,they are also a quiet animal and can wiggle their nose in that adorable way.it's a rare person who can watch a rabbit at play and not laugh out loud.
A rabbit has a unique personality, special pet and so different from other animals. In fact rabbits are now the third most popular family pet after dogs and cats. 

rabbit and kitten


Best Fish Food for Koi Fish

Below are some of the key factors every Koi keeper should consider when choosing a fish food for Koi and other pond fish.
Nutritional Analysis
You would never go into a restaurant and eat whatever the waiter puts on your plate if you didn't first know what it was. This same logic should be applied when selecting a diet for your Koi or other pond fish. Different Koi food varieties are formulated for use during different types of the year. All-season food varieties, for example, contain minimal protein content and designed for fast digestion. Growth foods, on the other hand, contain high amounts of protein and are ideal for summer feeding.


Advanced Aquarium Discus Fish secrets

Aquarium Discus Fish

Aquarium Discus Fish need close attention to maintain them fitly. They are very temperamental fish. With some guidance you can be on your way to conserving a attractive "aquarium discus fish" aquarium.
first advice :How many discus you should keep an aquarium?
The general rule of thumb is to only keep one discus fish per every 10 gallons of water your tank can withhold. Discus admire room to roam so use this guideline and you will save yourself from overcrowding your fish.
The second advice :Discus prefer a tall sized tank
You would like to get a tank which is taller than longer. For instance if you had a tank which was 6 feet long and 18 inches deep you would be better off trying to find a three feet tall and four feet wide. However with this being said if were to have a tank similar the first one I mentioned. I don't suggest you run out and purchase a new tank. These are just some guidelines to follow. They are not gospel however as a rule you do want to have at least an 18" tank depth.I don't like to use anything smaller than 35 gallons because the smaller the tank the harder it is to maintain the water.
Aquarium Discus Fish

The third advice:Discus are creatures of habit

Upon bringing your new discus home be sure to ask the breeder or fish keeper the type of food they were feeding the fish. Even though Discus don't require any characteristic diets they don like their food to be changed all of a sudden. Feed them the new food in small doses. Do this for a few weeks increasing the dosage. This will keep your fish stress free during the food change.

The fourth advice:water quality
Keeping your water chemistry clean and stable is a MUST! First you need to keep the water clean by making sure you change it when needed.
Proper water temperature for discus is between 82 and 86 degrees F. You also need to test the water hardness. The water should be soft, between 3 and 15dH. The PH level is next important factor.
PH is possibly the biggest cause which most fish keepers have some trouble with. Discus do not like to accommodate these PH factors. They will survive in other PH conditions however do not fool yourself in doing so.The problem is they will always be stressed and their life span will be compromised. The bottom line is always test your water conditions and make very gradual changes when need be. When you make drastic chemistry changes this puts more harm than excellent on the fish causing them an abundance of stress.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_David_Jones


Why Every House Should Have a Pet ?

Keeping pets at home has several benefits and if you're among those who has always wanted to keep a pet, let us convince you to go ahead and get one home.
The first reason: ResponsibilityWhen you have a pet you can’t just head off for the night or go on a weekend getaway. They need to be fed, given fresh water and so on. Having a pet in your life will teach you responsibility better than almost anything else because it is more than a normal responsibility – it is a living creature.
The second reason: Compassion
One of the best reasons to have pets in your house is because they teach you compassion. If I ever have children I will always make sure they grow up around animals because they are a fantastic way to help them understand that other beings have feelings that need to be considered and respected.
The third reason:  CompanyA pet is a great source of company. If you spend a lot of time by yourself a pet can be a wonderful addition to your home. Most pets will love you unconditionally and it is a great feeling knowing that there is something in your house you can spend time with if you need to.
The fourth reason: Laughter
I have done more laughing in this past week than I have done in the whole of last year. The kitten is hilarious – jumping around, climbing on things, sleeping on his head, etc. Laugher is something that shouldn’t be missing from anyone’s life and a loving pet is one of the best ways to get it.

 The fifth reason: Reduce stress

Pets are known to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Experts say that people can get relieve from stress and depression, if they spend time with their pets.


Discus Fish are beautiful pets

Discus Fish are beautiful pets
Discus Fish are beautiful pets 

Discus Fish are attractive pets . If you are a amateur or have not had much success with discus fish, no worries because you will have all the advice that you need for achievement. 

They originate from the Amazon River and surrounding rivers and lakes. They get their name from the shape of their body. Discus bodies are disc-shaped.  They enjoy deep water and you will desire to get a big aquarium to make them joyful. 

Discus Fish are beautiful pets

Discus are very sociable fish and they like in a groups. It is common to have least six of them in the tank at one time. You will have better results if you keep them grouped together. This is good for a couple of reasons. By having a group is a good way to see if they will partner up and breed and it also keeps them from misbehaving. 

It is perfectly fine to feed them a couple of times a day. Make sure not to feed them more than five times a day because you don't want to over feed them. 

Most owners and pet stores will feed the fish food that will change their colors like beet juice, shrimp, paprika, and lobster roe. If you feed your fish foods that will change their color, you will have to continue or their color will slowly fade away. 

Another way to get your discus fish to change colors is through hormones. The perceptions is that the more colorful the fish is, the more likely someone is going to purchase it. As with feeding fish to make their change color, hormone -treated fish will also start to lose their color once the hormones stop. 

The secret to having the happiest, healthiest discus fish is to make sure that their water is clean. Unclean water will make the fish stressed and it can cause illness. They are very shy and are sensitive to loud noises. For the optimal setting in the aquarium, purchase stones, corals and plants so that they can rest and be able to hide. They are highly sensitive and you want to keep them out of stressful situations. It is also a beneficial idea to put them in a quiet area in the domicile. 

Discus Fish are beautiful to have in your aquarium. They do require a little more work to conserve them happy but if you do you will have pleasing, joyful, energetic long living fish. 

To comprehend more about discus fish visit: Discus Fish Care . 


How To Install A Wall Mounted Aquarium


1. Marine life has long been the source of fascination for many people who are water-lovers and
long for a peaceful, restive and calm environment that keeping an aquarium provides them.
However, keeping marine or fresh-water fish are 2 different passions that come with their own
set of rules as regards keeping these species in a home tank environment is concerned that
hobbyists need to educate themselves about. For example, marine tanks can boast tropical,
cold-water and exotic fish to sharks and stingrays but learning about their dietary habits and
needs is equally important in picking a home for them.

2. Knowing the category of fish i.e. saltwater or fresh water is essential to knowing the kind of
tank necessary to keep them in, where to place it (based on cleaning weekly or monthly and
accessibility needed for the same) it and what kind of plants one can put inside the aquarium.

3. Getting a wall mounted aquarium is a definitive style statement apart from being an
innovative way to display your Piscean Pals; these comes in many sizes and shapes from those
the size of a TV screen to huge walls containing the National Aquarium, Baltimore in Maryland.
It does require a certain skill level and time besides patience to do the job right, though but
being stylish home accents, wall mounted tanks are the in-thing.

4. The first step towards deciding on having a wall-mounted home aquarium is to determine
whether the walls of your home are study enough to take the weight of such an innovative fishkeeping
concept: strength of the walls will help you decide the size of wall studs to be used. If
possible, try to consider this at the time of laying the foundation of your home as only strong
walls can support the idea of a wall mounted fish tank.

5. You can consider hiring a professional services firm to install your wall mounted aquarium for
you so the headache of having cables, pumps and other paraphernalia underfoot is minimized
and a good job done. This is a considerably more costly option though as compared to a DIY
job for wall mounting an aquarium but preferable to investing time, money and effort you cannot
spare currently besides a way to transfer any gaffes onto the company the job is entrusted to,
should accidents happen or home repairs needed.

Wall mounted aquariums come with a host of distinct advantages as compared to the
conventional type of fish tanks that are fraught with hassles of cords and plugs getting underfoot
and require lesser degree of maintenance so home owners save valuable floor space, have
added safety from children upsetting the tank and the joy of having gay, colorful fish floating
along side them in a dream environment.


Why You Should Own a Pet ?

So what is the value of having a pet in your life?, here are 10 reasons why It's good to get  Pets .
Loneliness can become an unwelcome companion as we age and can lead to depression as well as physical problems. Dogs mold their schedule and personality to you. They are never unavailable or off duty. Smaller dogs, in particular, can easily travel.
 People benefit from regular physical exercise regardless of their age. But it is hard to get into a regular exercise routine, and it's so very easy to skip it. Having a dog can be a great way to make walking a part of your daily plan.
Having a routine
 The routine of caring for a pet can bring structure and purpose to daily life. Maybe you don't always want to get out of bed, but your pet wants you to. Isn't that a good thing?
Less stress
 Older people with pets tend to exhibit less stress than those without. Maybe it's those regular walks or the sense that you've got a friend to share life's challenges. Or maybe it's that tail wagging you see very day when you wake up.
Making new friends
There are lots of shared activities for pet owners, ranging from communal walks to charitable events and other organizations that cater to animals and protecting the environment. It can be hard to meet new people, but pets are great icebreakers.
Getting out
Having a pet, particularly one that requires regular outdoor activity, helps you stay connected to life. You go for veterinary checkups, and perhaps you visit a dog groomer. You need to be involved in social activities.
New interests
A pet can expose you to new interests and activities. Maybe it's cleaning up the neighborhood park where you walk your dog. Some hospitals seek pet owners who will volunteer to bring in their pets to spend time with patients.
Taking care of something
Sure, you need your pet. Your pet needs you, too. The need to be useful and of value doesn't magically disappear when your career ends or your kids grow up and build their own independent lives. It is very satisfying to take care of another living creature.
Investing in life
At the end of the day, having a pet means that you have made a promise to continue being involved in another life. This commitment is one of the most positive decisions you can make as you get older.
 A dog can provide significant security. Potential thieves will stay away from a home with a barking dog. Your watchdog may weigh only 8 pounds soaking wet, but the person on the other side of the door doesn't know that.


Discus Fish Information

discus fish
discus fish

Discus are very rare and hard to find. Discus belong to a large family called Cichlids and they are usually located in South America. The physical features of discus fish are a disc-shaped body with dorsal and anal fins reaching to the tail. Their diameter can be up to ten inches from the body of the adult fish. Selective breeding has led to the creation of some stunningly beautiful fish.
Discus are one of the 1500 Cichlid species. They are three common types of discus such as the green discus, and also the most common of the discus, the Heckel discus and the haraldi discus. Their scientific name is genus Symphysodon. You should learn as much as you can because each discus has different requirements.
This type of fish is very expensive and requires quite a high maintenance. If you want to keep or breed these fish, you should have a good knowledge of discus fish information. You should keep in mind when you starting raising or taking care of discus, you should buy a group of these fish, or a pair because they need social interactions to develop their character to its fullest.
Having the right discus information is very important. If you do not research or learn about discus, I am sure that if you try to raise a discus or if you are not careful in keeping them there is a possibility that you might kill your fish. That is why knowing all the discus fish information you can is important.
The most important thing to remember in raising or taking care of discus fish is water. When raising or taking care of a discus fish your water should have the right pH, which is 6.5 ñ 7.5 ph. In addition, the water should be clean so you can maintain their good health. You should also change the water in the tank every week.
This is another important point you should know about discus, which is TANK size. When you buy a tank, you should purchase a big tank because we all know that discus fish grow rapidly and become quite big. If you buy a small tank, your discus will not be happy and it will stunt their growth in the long term.
The other important discus information is when you are feeding a discus you should give them the right food and feed them small amounts of food rather than one large meal. After you feed your fish, clean all uneaten food to avoid disease to your fish.
For more great tips on discus fish information,visit http://www.discusfishpro.com/discus-fish/discus-fish-information/ .


Freshwater Aquarium Fish Tanks

Freshwater Aquarium Fish Tanks

There are a number of methods to make educated estimates about fish stocking levels.
Keep a gallon of water for each inch of fish in the tank, this rule is abraded, as it does not take the adaptable fish shapes into account. 10 inches of plump goldfish and 10 inches of lean zebra fish are not the same. Therefore, ten gallons of water will not be suitable for both the fish. Also, when following this rule, people often forget to take into account the adult size of the fish they are purchasing and find themselves in a fix when the fish they bought for a ten gallon freshwater aquarium tank is now occupying most of it
A 15-gallon tank will hold 15 gallons.
Owners do not check the fact that a person will also want to decorate his or her freshwater aquarium and these decorations, which include corals, gravel and reef, plants and wood, considerably decrease the capacity for the freshwater tank.
 The surface area of the freshwater aquarium tank
Oxygen is what sustains the fish and though it is present in abundant amounts in water, the surface of the water is place that you will see the fish in your freshwater aquarium the most, as this is the emplacement where they can evenly get their oxygen supply.
The surface area of your freshwater aquarium tank should be what decides the number of fish that you will be conserving in your freshwater aquarium. You also need to take into account the size of the fish and the size of the tank.
Nourishing time is also the time that you will realize the consequence of the surface area of your tank, as the fish will fight for every inch of space.
The tank is their domestic and their exists are in your hand, therefore, when select the area of their domestic, you should always keep these points in mind, as they will assist you in making the correct choice.
Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donald_P_Hill


You Should Ask Yourself Before Starting A Freshwater Aquarium

freshwater aquarium
freshwater aquarium

A freshwater aquarium is a great stress relieverwill ,it will make your home or office look better and it is also a good conversation piece.

Here is some information you need if you want to start a freshwater aquarium.

Does a freshwater tank need a lot of work to support?

Weekly I spend maybe an hour to an hour and a half keeping my freshwater tank clean and feeding my fish. Most of my time is spent to clean the debris, fish waste and replacing 10% of the water in the tank.

How big of a tank should I start with?

My advice is to start with a large tank such as 29-gallons or higher.The reason is that if your chemistry starts going south, a larger tank is more forgiving than a small tank. A large tank will give smaller chemistry changes that you can catch and adjust. A small tank may not give you the time to correct before your fish are sick or dead.

Is it hard to keep up the chemistry in the tank?

If you do the your research, you will find that conserving the proper chemistry in your freshwater aquarium is real easy. Most of the chemistry control is performed by the live bacteria and plants.

You do have to measure pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels periodically, but ammonia and nitrite is controlled by your bacteria colony so should not get out of specification. Your biggest problem will be maintaining nitrate levels low. But if you do not over feed your fish and have plenty of live plants, this will not be a problem.

Is a freshwater tank expensive?

The most expensive part I found was the tank and the stand. In total once I had it up and running I had an initial cost of about 750 dollars including the substrate, plants, aerator, lighting, decorations and fish.

For more great helpful tips visithttp://www.squidoo.com/homefreshwateraquariums.


why you should keep a pet ?

Your kids have been begging you to get a family pet since they could talk. As a parent, you may have reservations. Depending on your children’s ages, the burden of house training a pet, such as a dog, may rest solely on your shoulders. In addition to paying the bills, making dinner, and keeping the house clean, you may not want to add more chores to your list. You’ll also have to let the dog out early in the morning and late at night. And if you live in an apartment complex, this means stepping outside and taking your dog for a walk. Moreover, you may not want to have your clothes covered in dog or cat hair.
However, according to research, owing a pet can give you and your family several physical and mental health benefits. In fact, pets can decrease feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety (Jennings, 1997). That’s not all. In a study conducted on 938 Medicare patients, researchers compared the health maintenance of two groups over the course of a year. The group that owned pets during that year reported less stress and visited their doctor less often than those without pets (Siegel, 1990). It has even been suggested that, as humans, we have a primal need to interact with and own pets (Kellert, 1995).
It’s probably something you already suspected. It’s hard to resist the deep brown eyes of an adorable puppy dog for anyone. You may also immediately get filled with a sense of comfort and joy when you come in contact with another person’s pet. But what can you do to solve the cons of owning a pet?
1. Pick your animal wisely. Have the whole family hang around a variety of pets at your friends and families houses. You need know whether or not you or your children are potentially allergic to any type of animal.
2. Research. Once you think you’ve made your choice, research what type of breed will best suit your family. Certain pets such as dogs have better temperaments suited for families with small children. It’ll also let you know how fast or slow certain breeds train.
3. Choose a lower maintenance pet. Labra-doodles are an incredible breed. Besides have a funny name, they have the sweet disposition of a lab combined with the hypo-allergenic qualities of a poodle. This breed will not shed on your couch or your clothes. It’s also a good pick if you or your children have been known to show signs of allergies to dogs. Additionally instead of purchasing the traditional dog or cat, you could by a smaller animal such as guinea pig, bird, or hamster.
Jennings, L. B. (1997). Potential benefits of pet ownership in health promotion. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 15(4), 358-372.
Kellert, S. R., & Wilson, E. O. (1005). The biophilia hypothesis. Illinois: Island Press.
Siegel, J. M. (1990). Stressful life events and use of physician services among the elderly: The moderating role of pet ownership. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58(6), 1081-1086.


Bad Cats love window blinds !!

Cats like to look out the window.Windows may be the best seats in the house to view the outside world.
cats think of blinds as a play toy

Bad Cats

Bad Cats

Bad Cats

Bad Cats

Bad Cats

Bad Cats

Bad Cats

Bad Cats

Bad Cats

Bad Cats

Should i get a rabbit?

a rabbit
If you really want to have a rabbit,  you will not mind the expenses because rabbits really are beautiful pets and they will make your days wonderful.
There are many reasons why people enjoy rabbits. let us convince you to go ahead and get one home.
Rabbit has a amusing personality.

Rabbit may display some territorial and aggressive behavior if not spayed or neutered. It is considerable for the health of all rabbits to have them fixed by the age of five to six months old.First for health reasons, your rabbit will lives a lot longer if altered and for social and behavior reasons.
Easy To Care For
Rabbits desire less cleaning and less food than the larger breeds.Their diet should consist essentially in Timothy hay, Timothy hay based pellets,and a small daily portion of fresh green vegetables.Fruits should be given in moderation for their high sugar content.
Rabbits arrives in many dissimilar colors
Breeders have been adroit to mix them so much than almost any color is available in this breed.That give them great popularity in the rabbit show industry.A lot of choices are available to people who wants to get a pet rabbit.


What species of hamster should I get

 It's always a excellent idea to do some research when getting a new pet. I anticipate, this article will facilitate you narrow down which hamster fits you best!
There are five pet hamster species.There is 4 dwarf hamsters (Campbell, Chinese, Roborovski, and Winter White ) and Syrian Hamster .
Below are factors that will aid you decide:
  1. All four hamsters have a stubby tail barely visible under the fur beside the Chinese Dwarf which has a tail about an inch long.
  2. Whites are 3-4 inches. Roborovski is the smallest type of hamster of all 24 hamster category.
  3. Chinese Dwarf is about 4-5 inches Syrians are about 4-5 inches too .
  4. All four hamsters have a cute, barrel shape. Chinese hamster may be a bit thinner.
  5. The Syrian hamster has the most variation in coats.Winter Whites and Campbell have some characteristic coats. Winter White in special will turn all white in the winter when the temperature is low enough. Roborovski and Chinese Hamsters are frequently breed in their natural (agouti) coat.
Play Time
  1. Roborovski's are always active. They may be fast and every jumpy. the other dwarf hamsters are much slower. And the Syrian hamster is slow enough easily to handle
  2. Some hamsters like to be handled, some not. This really does depend on their character and if they are tamed. Part of the fun of having hamsters is also observing them play by themselves in their cages.
  3. All five hamsters are nocturnal. Wake up time will be in the evening.
  1. On the whole, Chinese and Syrian hamsters need to be stayed alone. Winter whites and Campbells should generally be kept separately. Roborovski can be kept with other Robos if they were together before weaned. You can check to keep more than one hamster in a cage/habitat. Make sure the cage is large sufficient because hamsters are territorial. You should get a diverge cage, since they may fight to the death.
  2. Campbells and Syrians are generally accepting of human connect but will still require training. Chinese, Roborovski, and Winter whites Hamsters may be more combative and even bite with strangers.
  3. In general, there isn't much difference. Pregnant females, however will be very aggressive and sensitive.
Other informations
  1. Leave more room for a Syrian hamster.
  2. All four hamsters are prone to long term diseases, except for the Roborovski which has better longevity.
  3. All hamster cages should be disinfected once a week. Their bodies are naturally odorless but their urine can smell.
  4. You want to get a bigger cage for the Syrian hamster. You may also use more bedding for that reason.
Roborovski Hamster
Roborovski Hamster

Winter White  Hamster
Winter White  Hamster
Syrian Hamster
Syrian Hamster
campbell hamster
campbell hamster
chinese hamster
chinese hamster

Bad Cats Behaviors

Bad Cat Behavior

Messing up upholstery,leaving piles of sand around the house , scratching valuable antique furniture, certainly there are many observable attitudes that will lead you to think that your cat is a bad cat, but think twice...they are cats and they do not know better.
Here are some indications that just may help you to stop the bad cat behaviors
  • Cats need to go out of the domicile from time to time, so it would be convenient to you to build a cat door for its and your convenience.
  • Find your cat an appropriate sleeping pillow or cat bed. You would not want to find your cat lying on your precious designer clothes .
  • Its litter box needs to be of appropriate size. If you had a large cat, of course it would be appropriate for you to buy a large sandbox in order for the cat to not spread sand around your house.
  • Buy a portable scratch post. Cats need to sharpen constantly their claws and you would not want your cat to use your precious post civil war era furniture as a sharpener.
There are frequent things to be considered in owning a cat and we must not forget that they are animals after all and have the tendency to go wild anytime. It is interesting to know that most of the cats are wild by nature.


Reasons to get a rabbit

get a rabbit
reasons to get a rabbit

Keeping rabbits for pets is an amazing experience.if you're looking for a new addition to your household maybe it's time to  mak a bunny your new best pet ?, here are 4 reasons why It's good to get a rabbit.
First: Bunnies are very social
In the agrarian bunnies reside in warrens, or groups. There can be up to 40+ in a warren so your bun is acclimated to accepting company ,but apparently not their own bedroom. Rabbits crave interaction and if they are handled frequently and acclaim if they are little will consistently be happy to collaborate with you.
Second: They are easily litter trained
If you've heard they are hard to litter train then you've been mislead! Rabbits are naturally clean animals and provided you work with their natural instincts to keep clean you will have a toilet trained bun in no time.
Third: They love to play
Bunnies actually love to play. It doesn't get much better in life than watching a rabbit play. They hide, run, jump and throw their toys in sheer joy.
Bunnies even have a legendary 'jump for joy' called a binkie (or binky) which is where your bunny will jump in the air and twist at the same time. It is amazing to watch and a great sign that your bun is on top of the world.
Fourth: Rabbits form close bonds with their owners
Years ago rabbits were almost thought of as 'disposable' pets. That they lived outside and weren't really part of the family. Nowadays, particularly as more and more rabbits are becoming inside, house rabbits this isn't the case thankfully.
Owners are quickly realising that they can become very attached to their bunny in the same way they do for a dog or cat and find themselves just as devastated at the loss of a precious pet rabbit.
In fact rabbits are now the third most popular family pet after dogs and cats. It seems the world is finally cottoning on to how intelligent, fun and loving bunnies are.


Black Mollies Fish

Black black Mollies Fish
Black black Mollies Fish

Black Mollies fish very celebrated among the fish keepers and if you put a combination of Mollies in various colors like black and gold, they will make your days wonderfulFollow these simple tips and you will raise your black molly fish into beautiful .
Black Molly is a brackish fish. They must be kept in a tank with water which has some salt. The quantity of salt may not be very voluminous like normal saltwater but there has to be some salt required for them to exist.
There is no need to get worried about their compatibility with other species due to their salt requirement. There are other species which can sustain in such partly salty water.
You need to provide a lot of baby fish around the adults. If you keep a pair of a male and a female with no young ones around, they may not be pleasurable with the environment and may develop stress which may even result in their end.
You should put the fish in a tank with the water capacity of ten gallons or more. The fish will grow up to two inches over a period of time. If you want to keep a family of them in the tank, you should calculate the water capacity at two gallons per one inch of fish. So if the family consists of ten members, you can conserve them in a tank of 20-plus gallons.
The temperature of water
The temperature of water should be kept in the range of 75-85 degrees. You should insert a lighting system to provide sufficient light for them. They will usually require 6 hours of light every day. In that case, the temperature of the water will increase and the fish will get over-heated. Providing light for six hours will resemble their natural habitat.
Food for Black Molly
Black Mollies Fish are pleasant to eat the food you will provide to the other species in the aquarium. They are happy to eat live food equal brine shrimp or blood-worms, but you should not offer them live food very often.
This fish is peace-loving. So it will be satisfying to live with other species comfortably. It will not chase or hurt other fish in the tank. It does not have any territorial ambition, so it will swim around the tank joyfully with others without any stress.