









Pet Chinchillas - How to Care for Your Chinchilla


Chinchilla care is quite simple. All you need is to know the right way to provide their basic needs. This will contribute a great deal in raising the animals and ensuring they are in excellent condition every day. The following are some of the ways of caring for chinchillas including:


Different Ways to Remember Your Pet

A persons pet can be a big part of their lives, and can even help them in times of needs, so the loss of a pet can hit a person or a family quite hard. When losing a pet happens to you, there are a number of different ways in which you can remember your pet. In this article we will look at some of the different ways in which you can commemorate your pet's life.


Caring For Goldfish


Goldfish are great, rewarding pets to have. If you're looking to breed goldfish, have one as a pet, or are simply curious about what it might be like,they’re not hard to meet, but doing so is key to keeping a happy and healthy goldfish.


Upgrading From A Freshwater Aquarium To A Saltwater Aquarium

Freshwater Aquarium To A Saltwater Aquarium

There are several valid reasons why you might decide to upgrade your freshwater tank but perhaps the most important reason is for the health and safety of your fish. Many novice aquarium hobbyists make the mistake of purchasing juvenile specimens of large species like Oscars and other cichlids, not realizing just how large these fish can get. If you make the mistake of placing an Oscar in a 30-gallon tank, it won’t be long before you either need to re-home your fish or upgrade the tank. Not only is the size of your fish a factor but the number of fish in your tank could also contribute to the need for an upgrade. But with the proper understanding and planning setting up your first saltwater aquarium can be much easier than you had hoped.


The best saltwater fish tank for beginners

Most mistakes when starting a marine aquarium are similar to mistakes made in freshwater tanks. Patience, patience, patience. All too often, beginner aquarists aren't patient and lose a lot of money and fish in the process. When many aquarists in the world of freshwater fish make a mistake and have a loss of fish, it doesn't hurt quite so bad in the wallet. While a mistake in a saltwater tank,


Aquarium lighting

Aquarium lighting

The first factor that determines the necessity of aquarium lighting is whether you have real plants in your tank or not. If yours is a planted tank, the aquatic plants in the water will require light to perform photosynthesis. Without proper lighting at least for a couple of hours of each day, your live plants will begin to wither and die. If your aquarium is positioned in a place that receives some sunlight daily, even if it is not direct sunlight, then fish tank lights aren't really that crucial.


5 Things You Should Know Before buying clothes for your dog

The right clothes can help your pet stand out from others.After all, there are clothes for all seasons and occasions in addition to which there are pet supplies such as collars, beds, toys, leashes, food and canine health products available to buy. Be sure to use the following tips when you buy clothes for your dog so that you make the right selection:


Tips And Tricks for Brushing Your dog's Teeth

When setting out to brush your dog's teeth develop a positive attitude and treat the whole experience as a fun thing. Do not hold his head down or force him at any time during the process. This would only traumatize him and you may be at risk of biting. Let him perceive the flavor of the toothpaste and lick it. Avoid using products that contain alcoholic substances. Make sure your dog toothpaste is totally free from alcohol.
Make sure you keep all dog toothpaste out of the reach of children and store them in a cool place. Also look out for expiry dates to avoid using damaged products for your pets.
Regular brushing of your dog's teeth would keep him safe from gum diseases such as gingivitis. It would also leave your dog with a fresh breath.


Choosing Dog's Toothbrush

The type of toothbrush you use for your pet would also determine the quality of the mouthwash he gets. You would find several styles of toothbrush in your pet stores. You should choose the one that works best for your dog. A good dog toothbrush should be easy to use, safe and effective. It must also be easy to clean and acceptable to your pet.
A good dog toothbrush must also be easy to handle. Choose a toothbrush in relation to the size of your dog. For larger breeds, it is best to use finger cot brushes. Finger cot brushes are double ended with a part that looks like a finger glove. This glove has bristles on it and allows you to brush the inner parts of your dog's teeth.
It is recommended that you clean your dog's teeth once in a month or you could consult your Vet for guidance on how often you should brush your dog's teeth and all other necessary information. If you notice a building up of Tartar or anything unusual in your dog's dentition, consult your Vet immediately for help.
For busy pet owners who barely have time for pet grooming, do not neglect your dog's grooming needs. Hire a professional groomer for help.


List of Things to Consider When Picking Out Dog Toothpaste

Dog Toothpaste

The first thing to consider is the ingredients used in the toothpaste. Make sure that all the ingredients are safe for your dog and would not cause health problems when ingested.
You need to consider palatability and digestibility. Your dog is sure to lick up some of the toothpaste when brushing him so ensure that the toothpaste you buy contains no harmful chemicals that are detrimental to your dog's health when ingested.
You should consider the size of the toothpaste. It is more advisable to go for sample products or products with smaller sizes so that you can try out the product and if it works well for your pet you can buy the bigger size the next time you go shopping for pet supplies.
Other things to consider include ease of use, safety for your pet, and the packaging (does it come with pads and sponges or does it come in liquid gel or powder form?)
Toothpaste that come in chicken or beef flavors would be more suitable for your dog as the taste and aroma could be enticing to your dog. This way, you would struggle less when giving him a mouth wash.
The ideal toothpaste for your dog should be desirable by your dog and easy to use.


How to Treat your Dog's Skin Problem

Dog's Skin Problem

Common skin problems such as dry skin, rashes, hot spots and bug bites can be safely treated at home using natural home remedies, while medical treatments such as the use of steroids and allergy shots could result in negative side effects in dogs. This a good reason every dog owner should make an effort to learn how to treat their dog's skin problems using natural home remedies.


Origin of Koi

koi fish

by John Pasden, his live in China
So many inventions and customs originated in China that it’s not uncommon for me to learn one that I never knew about before. Sometimes, however, the claims get a little ridiculous.
My favorite is the claim that the Japanese are actually a lost tribe of Chinese from southern Zhejiang, and that the Japanese language has evolved out of the dialect of Wenzhou . I think the first part is simply a creative attempt to explain Japan’s financial success while holding onto Chinese pride. The second part is undoubtedly rooted in the fact that a lot of Chinese people think that Wenzhou’s dialect–a dialect reknowned for being totally unintelligible to speakers of virtually any other dialect in China–sounds like Japanese. The people that say it sounds like Japanese usually understand no actual Japanese. As someone that understands Japanese, I can assure you that Wenzhou-hua sounds nothing like Japanese.
Recently I ran into another possible example of a far-fetched claim related to Japan. The claim is that the practice of keeping koi (colorful carp) originated in China. I immediately found this suspect, but then figured it was probably largely because my time spent in Japan was my first significant contact with the tradition, and the word koi has been imported into the English language from Japanese (not Chinese) recently. Obviously, neither of these reasons are real evidence that the practice of raising koi really originated in Japan.
source : http://www.sinosplice.com/life/archives/2005/06/30/origin-of-koi  


Keeping discus fish does require a bit of knowledge on their background

discus fish
discus fish

When keeping discus fish you will find that they are shy and very calm in general, but when they start making couples they can often become a little bit aggressive due to breeding territory protection. Keeping discus fish will bring lots of rewards but it will also give you a few challenges as well. First off, as you will see with most groups of any type of fish, within a group it is not uncommon that the weakest discus will get bullied; this is something that can unfortunately result in death. Keeping discus fish in groups in a minimum of six individuals is thought of as ideal. By doing this you will increase the confidence of the group members and you lower the risk of group misbehavior.


5 happy pet secrets

Make sure that you are meeting the needs of your pet with these 5 happy pet secrets.
Your pet needs secure shelter, water and food. As a general rule, your pet will be happier the more secure and safe your pet feels. While this sounds simple enough, some folks still get confused about a pet's needs. There are a few things you can do to ensure these are met.


Grow a cat !!

Grow a cat

Grow a cat

Grow a cat


Pet Relocation

We pet lovers must face the sometimes confusing task of moving our pets internationally with us. This can be confusing since the paperwork is different from country to country, and we sometimes worry about the well being of our furry friends. Well, throughout this article we will go over some tips for international pet moving that comes in form of questions you must ask yourself, and get the answers to, when you want to make your pet an international being.


Need a veterinarian for Your Pet ?

 Some pets are like children to their owners, so it is important to them that the veterinarian is qualified to treat whatever may come up with your pet.
Fair prices need also be noted when looking for a medical practitioner for your pet. You will probably need to shop around in order to know where to find the best deal. Some people will spare no expense for their pets. It can be costly to have certain operations or treatments done. So, if you care about the cost of treatment, then it is important for you to do price comparisons. It's also important to know the health history of your pet's breed, preparing yourself for future costs and health issues.


Should You Adopt A Dog?

Should You Adopt A Dog?

There is no denying that a great many oldsters do live alone and may pass several days without seeing anyone, especially during the winter. The children are grown and have lives of their own to get on with and your friends are less mobile too. Television is your constant companion, and you can talk to it, but it is at best a one way conversation.


Lighting and Temperatures for Saltwater Tanks

Lighting and Temperatures for Saltwater Tanks

One of the most common types of heating unit used in fish tanks that support saltwater fish are the underwater heaters that are regulated by a thermostat. These specific designs of heating units are offered for your aquarium to help sustain the water at a temperature that the fish find satisfactory.
Just about all species of saltwater fish would rather be in water that is at a temperature of close to seventy-five to eighty degrees Fahrenheit. These types of conditions are definite for the saltwater fish in your aquarium as this is the temperature range they came out of in the aquariums at the fish store where you bought them.


Cat Baskets

Cats sleep most of the day, and they usually find a cozy spot to sleep. It may be your bed, favorite chair, stack of papers and books, fresh pile of linen, on top of a piece of furniture, or in an isolated corner.
For my cat Mittens, those were all preferred spots at one time or the other, that is until I got her a cat basket. I placed it in her favorite corner, added an old towel for cushioning, and at first she ignored it. So two days later I added her favorite toy to the cat basket, watched from afar, and waited patiently. As curious as a cat, as the saying goes, she stepped in the basket and got hooked. Since that day it has been her preferred, cozy spot.


Do Dogs and Cats Need Their Teeth Cleaned?

One of the more frequent conversations I have with pet owners before or during a teeth cleaning procedure (or dental treatment procedure) is about having to extract teeth. Usually it goes something like this:
Doctor: "Pet owner, your pet has multiple teeth with end stage periodontal disease. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do to fix this, so I need to extract X number of teeth"
Pet Owner: "Oh no! Why so many? Do you have to? How is he going to eat? Will he be in pain?"
Doctor: "Yes, there may be some discomfort, but actually the teeth that are diseased are already causing pain. We will treat the discomfort of extractions with medicine at home after the procedure. He will eat fine, but you may need to soften the food for a week or two. We have to take out the teeth because the disease has progressed too far and there's nothing else we can do."


Chinchilla Care

Now that you have a cute little Chinchilla in your home, make sure that you take good care of it. These little animals are very active and need extra attention, unlike the case of other pets like cats or dogs. Chinchilla care should begin with providing your new guest with proper accommodation. A good cage should be therefore, your topmost priority. Best thing is to go in for a cage with multiple levels, since these Chinchillas are known to jump around a lot and need ample space to play. Remember, to ensure that the cage is kept cool enough for Chinchillas hate heat. A nice, cozy bed is another thing that your little pet will need. It is always advisable that you use pine or cedar shavings as bedding, as they are a healthy option and won't cause skin problems.


How should rats be housed?

Rats do well in wire cages because they take pleasure in climbing. Wire cages also offer great ventilation. The floor has to be solid, and a bedding composed of aspen or pelleted recycled paper should be provided. Some rats like to make nests, so when you observe this behavior in your pets, add shredded paper towels in the cage. A bored rat is an unhappy one, so offer things where they can run or play around. Rats need a quiet area to which they can retire, so offer little boxes or pots where they are able to hide. Rats don't thrive in cold temperature and also direct sunlight. A place kept at 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit is suitable. Keep in mind that rats are quite social to other members of their species, and for that reason should be kept in pairs. It is usually better to obtain same-sex pairs. That way, you will not end up with many rat pups.


How To Curb Symptoms Of Heat Stroke For Your Pet

Summer time is here and that means much more time spent outside. This means it is important to keep tabs as it gets hotter outside be sure to watch for symptoms of heat stroke for your pet.
This is what I did with my golden retriever when she got older I actually shaved her down to make it look like she's a Labrador retriever during the summer months and I'm going to tell you what a huge difference that made.


Toilet Training For Dogs and Cats

Even the best-trained cat and dog has a toilet accident now and again, but the way a pet owner deals with the problem will determine how frequently this occurs. If your pet begins to suddenly go to the restroom indoors, there are several steps you should take to prevent this from occurring again.


The Best Vet for Your Pet

The first thing that you need to do the moment you get yourself a new pet is to look for a vet. Pets often get sick and they're going to need medical attention at times. Therefore, before the time arrives you should be prepared rather than get all worked up at the last moment.
Some of the issues that you need to keep in mind when looking for a vet include:
Location - The first thing that you need to look into when you're searching for a suitable vet is their location. You would need someone who stays close to your home or is at least located in your city. This is all the more important if it's an emergency.


Tips to Take Care of Your Pets

Today almost all of us have some sort of pet be it dogs, cats, birds, reptiles or even fish. We need to take good care of them if they're to remain healthy and happy and in order to do this we need to know how to accomplish this task.
There are plenty of books and videos that you could watch that would guide you to care for your particular pet. However, there are a few things that would be common for all pets and we're going to look into those details now:


The Best Pet Supplies Stores Online

Ease and convenience are the two main reasons why online shopping has reached a huge level of popularity among consumers. These and also the fact that merchandise is cheaper due to the absence of overhead expenses, rent and the need to hire additional staff. Immense savings, coupled with being able to choose from the widest variety of products and items are only mere bonuses one gets from shopping online.


First Aid Pet Supplies for your pet

It's crucial that, as a pet owner, you know exactly what to do and how to do it when it comes to providing care if your pet is sick or gets injured.
Following is a checklist of the basic first aid supplies you need to have at home:
Bandages and towels - Aside from controlling bleeding, bandages can also protect wounds from the onset of infection. When choosing bandages, go for the non-stick types as wounds can be more painful when those used for wrapping wounds stick to a cut, an abrasion, or other forms of superficial injuries.


Ferret Cage for Happy Pet Ferrets

A ferret cage must be properly designed, set up, and furnished - right down to the bedding.
What should you put inside the cage? The most important words to keep in mind are "soft" and "sturdy." Just about any soft durable fabric will be ideal for your ferret's cage. Old T-shirts, sweat shirts, blankets, and throw rugs make great hiding places. After all, "ferret" means "thief," and a good thief needs a hideout. Your fuzzies will love to burrow and hunker down in an old blanket or quilt.


Why Your Kid Should Have a Pet

"Can I have a pet, Mom?" If you don't have one already, it may be simple to forget the idea and be curbed by the thought of having more liability to look after.
But before you totally throw the idea out the window, take some time to consider these advantages of adding a pet to your family.
Teaches them responsibility 
Probably one of the best reasons to get a pet is that aside from the fact that they learn to care for another living thing, they learn a very important aspect of life, to be responsible and accountable for something. It's important to explain to them, especially if they asked for the pet, that animals rely on humans for their basic needs, therefore it's up to us to provide and care for them. At the beginning it's a great idea to assign them tasks for the pet like preparing food or replacing their water. Along the way they'll develop their own instincts and provide whatever the pet needs on their own.


Discus Fish really are great pets

discus fish
discus fish

If you really want to have discus fish, you will not mind the expenses because discus really are beautiful and they will make your days wonderful.
1- You should know how many discus fish should be in the aquarium to avoid overcrowding. Usually it should be one discus for every 10 gallons. We should remember that always.
2- The tank for discus should be big because they grow very fast and become quite big. If we buy a small tank then your discus will not be happy and their growth will be stunted. So, we do not want that right? Therefore, we should keep in mind that we should buy BIG TANK.


Taking Care of a Koi Fish Pond

A Koi pond can be one of the most beautiful things around your home. Furthermore, it can be a great source of relaxation. However, it is not relaxing or beautiful when you have algae buildup or failing equipment. To overcome these problems, all you have to do is maintain your pond using these simple tipsHere is a look at how to keep this beautiful wonder well maintained.
Check for Algae
Algae are one of the biggest nuisances in any Koi pond. Although they are indicators of a healthy pond, too much is never a good thing. Most owners are usually under the impression that proper tubing and high quality koi pond filtration systems and pond aerators are all they need for a clean and pure pond. They leave them on and stop worrying.


You think that your Cat is a Bad Cat

Bad Cat

The issue of bad cat behavior is something that every cat owner has to encounter sometime. It is very natural for cats to misbehave. We must not forget that they are animals after all and have the tendency to go wild anytime. It is interesting to know that most of the cats are wild by nature. You can do an experiment by letting your cat be free for a while outside the street; it will act almost similar to stray cats. It will chase mice, hunt doves and do all sorts of things and shock you as if it were never tamed or trained.


Discus Fish Care Basics

discus fish
discus fish

Discus fish care is more than just the pH level of the water. It is also about where you will locate the aquarium, how to treat younger discus fish from older ones , when you will feed the fish...
Realistic plants are safer than plastic and they would provide shelter and vegetation for the fish rather than plastic ones. But you can also add some plastic designs if you want the aquarium to look more aesthetically pleasing.
Discus fish care has a lot to do with the type of habitat that you will provide for them. Remember that they would be residing inside it for the rest of their lives and you would want to make sure that the fish remain interested.


How to take excellent care of Discus Fish

discus fish
discus fish

Follow these simple tips and you will raise your discus fish into beautiful, colorful fish.
Aquarium Water.
The next basic discus fish care tip is keeping the aquarium water clean and free of chlorine and heavy metals. To keep your discus aquarium tank clean, you may want to invest in a water purifying unit. Be sure that the aquarium water is slow moving and filtered. The temperature should be between 82-86F.
 Aquarium Size.
Discus fish need to be kept in deep tanks because of their size. Typically, they grow up to 6 or 7 inches. As they continue to grow, discus prefer to be in shoals of at least 6.
You can keep discus fish in tanks that are empty,


Cute Rabbits Photos

Rabbits are so adorable ,they are also a quiet animal and can wiggle their nose in that adorable way.it's a rare person who can watch a rabbit at play and not laugh out loud.
A rabbit has a unique personality, special pet and so different from other animals. In fact rabbits are now the third most popular family pet after dogs and cats. 

rabbit and kitten


Best Fish Food for Koi Fish

Below are some of the key factors every Koi keeper should consider when choosing a fish food for Koi and other pond fish.
Nutritional Analysis
You would never go into a restaurant and eat whatever the waiter puts on your plate if you didn't first know what it was. This same logic should be applied when selecting a diet for your Koi or other pond fish. Different Koi food varieties are formulated for use during different types of the year. All-season food varieties, for example, contain minimal protein content and designed for fast digestion. Growth foods, on the other hand, contain high amounts of protein and are ideal for summer feeding.


Advanced Aquarium Discus Fish secrets

Aquarium Discus Fish

Aquarium Discus Fish need close attention to maintain them fitly. They are very temperamental fish. With some guidance you can be on your way to conserving a attractive "aquarium discus fish" aquarium.
first advice :How many discus you should keep an aquarium?
The general rule of thumb is to only keep one discus fish per every 10 gallons of water your tank can withhold. Discus admire room to roam so use this guideline and you will save yourself from overcrowding your fish.
The second advice :Discus prefer a tall sized tank
You would like to get a tank which is taller than longer. For instance if you had a tank which was 6 feet long and 18 inches deep you would be better off trying to find a three feet tall and four feet wide. However with this being said if were to have a tank similar the first one I mentioned. I don't suggest you run out and purchase a new tank. These are just some guidelines to follow. They are not gospel however as a rule you do want to have at least an 18" tank depth.I don't like to use anything smaller than 35 gallons because the smaller the tank the harder it is to maintain the water.
Aquarium Discus Fish

The third advice:Discus are creatures of habit

Upon bringing your new discus home be sure to ask the breeder or fish keeper the type of food they were feeding the fish. Even though Discus don't require any characteristic diets they don like their food to be changed all of a sudden. Feed them the new food in small doses. Do this for a few weeks increasing the dosage. This will keep your fish stress free during the food change.

The fourth advice:water quality
Keeping your water chemistry clean and stable is a MUST! First you need to keep the water clean by making sure you change it when needed.
Proper water temperature for discus is between 82 and 86 degrees F. You also need to test the water hardness. The water should be soft, between 3 and 15dH. The PH level is next important factor.
PH is possibly the biggest cause which most fish keepers have some trouble with. Discus do not like to accommodate these PH factors. They will survive in other PH conditions however do not fool yourself in doing so.The problem is they will always be stressed and their life span will be compromised. The bottom line is always test your water conditions and make very gradual changes when need be. When you make drastic chemistry changes this puts more harm than excellent on the fish causing them an abundance of stress.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_David_Jones


Why Every House Should Have a Pet ?

Keeping pets at home has several benefits and if you're among those who has always wanted to keep a pet, let us convince you to go ahead and get one home.
The first reason: ResponsibilityWhen you have a pet you can’t just head off for the night or go on a weekend getaway. They need to be fed, given fresh water and so on. Having a pet in your life will teach you responsibility better than almost anything else because it is more than a normal responsibility – it is a living creature.
The second reason: Compassion
One of the best reasons to have pets in your house is because they teach you compassion. If I ever have children I will always make sure they grow up around animals because they are a fantastic way to help them understand that other beings have feelings that need to be considered and respected.
The third reason:  CompanyA pet is a great source of company. If you spend a lot of time by yourself a pet can be a wonderful addition to your home. Most pets will love you unconditionally and it is a great feeling knowing that there is something in your house you can spend time with if you need to.
The fourth reason: Laughter
I have done more laughing in this past week than I have done in the whole of last year. The kitten is hilarious – jumping around, climbing on things, sleeping on his head, etc. Laugher is something that shouldn’t be missing from anyone’s life and a loving pet is one of the best ways to get it.

 The fifth reason: Reduce stress

Pets are known to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Experts say that people can get relieve from stress and depression, if they spend time with their pets.